

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯卫星新闻社1月25日华沙报道,波兰Gaz-System运营商周五在华沙表示,欧盟委员会将为波罗的海管道项目提供多达2.15亿欧元(2.43亿美元)的补贴,该项目计划建设一条连接波兰和丹麦输气系统的海上天然气管道。 波兰Gaz-System运营商说:“根据连接欧洲设施(CEF)计划,波罗的海管道项目已获得欧盟委员会提供的建筑工程津贴。分配的最大支持总数近2.15亿欧元。这一决定强调了该项目对建设欧洲天然气市场和加强该地区供应安全的重要性。” 据这家波兰运营商称,欧盟委员会周三批准了这一决定,而这笔拨款的竞标是在2018年提交的。 运营商说:“波罗的海管道项目已经在2015年、2017年和2018年三次获得了CEF的资金支持。迄今为止获得的补助金额多达5180万欧元。” 今年6月,波兰和丹麦政府首脑就波罗的海管道建设项目签署了谅解备忘录。该管道计划在2022年10月1日前全面投入使用。该管道的天然气年输送能力预计将达到100亿立方米。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社 原文如下: EU Commission Earmarks Up to USD243 Mln to Construct Baltic Pipe The European Commission will allocate a subsidy of up to 215 million euros ($243 million) for the Baltic Pipe project, which envisages the construction of an offshore gas pipeline connecting transmission systems of Poland and Denmark, the Polish Gaz-System operator said on Friday. “The Baltic Pipe Project has been granted the subsidy for construction works under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) by the European Commission. The maximum allocated support amounts to nearly €215 million. This decision emphasizes the significance of the Project for building the European gas market and strengthening the security of supply in the region,” the transmission system operator said in a statement. The European Commission approved the decision on Wednesday, while the bid for a grant was filed in 2018, according to the Polish operator. “The Baltic Pipe Project already received financial support under the CEF three times — in 2015, 2017 and 2018. The grant awarded so far amounts to a maximum of €51.8 million,” the company added. The Polish Gaz-System operator’s remarks come after in June, the heads of the Polish and Danish governments signed a memorandum of understanding on the construction of the Baltic Pipe. The pipeline is planned to be fully operational by October 1, 2022. The annual capacity of the pipeline is expected to amount to 10 billion cubic meters.
