

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油2019年1月24日伦敦报道,法国能源巨头道达尔公司位于尼日利亚哈科特港以外93英里(150公里)处的埃吉纳大油田(Egina field)在2018年接近年底时投产。任何海上油田的投产都是引人注目的,但尼日利亚埃吉纳大油田的投产尤其引人注目,这是因为这个大油田估计拥有5.5亿桶的石油储量。埃吉纳油田位于水深4593至5740英尺(1400米至1750米)的海域,这是道达尔公司迄今运营的最深海上项目之一。这片巨大的油田还需要道达尔公司的迄今为止最大的浮式产油储油和卸油(FPSO)船,长达1083英尺(330米)的《埃吉纳号》FPSO船拥有6万吨的上层甲板和230万桶的储油能力。 总部位于英国伦敦的德西尼普FMC负责这个拥有44口井的油田的全海底生产系统(SPS)和软管。2013年6月,道达尔公司授予德西尼普FMC一份价值超过10亿美元的合同,合同包括水下采油树和井口、管汇、安装工具、出油管连接系统、多相计量仪和相关的控制系统。在当时,这是西非迄今为止的最大海底项目。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Total’s Egina starts production with TechnipFMC’s subsea systems Total’s Egina field, located 93 mi (150 km) off Port Harcourt, kicked into production just as 2018 was winding to a close. The start-up of any offshore field is notable, but Egina’s is especially so: The field is estimated to contain reserves of 550 MMbbl. Lying in water depths ranging from 4,593 to 5,740 ft (1,400 to 1,750 m), Egina is one of the deepest offshore projects Total operates. The massive field also requires the company’s largest floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) to date, the 1,083 ft-long (330 m) FPSO Egina, which has a 60,000-ton topsides and a storage capacity of 2.3 MMbbl of oil. TechnipFMC is responsible for the 44-well field’s full subsea production system (SPS) and flexible piping. Total awarded us a contract worth more than a billion dollars in June 2013 that covered subsea trees and wellheads, manifolds, installation tooling, flowline connection systems, multiphase meters, and associated control systems. At the time of the order, it was the largest subsea project to date in West Africa.
