

    中国石化新闻网讯  据ZAWYA网新加坡1月24日消息 周四中东原油基准价格下跌,已是连续第三个交易日下跌,但中等原油的现货溢价保持坚挺,受到欧洲和亚洲原油期货需求的支撑。
    据贸易消息人士称,伊拉克SOMO石油公司已售出200万桶巴士拉轻质原油,2月底装船,较其官方售价(OSP)高出每桶1.30- 1.40美元。
    根据两个贸易来源和Refinitiv Eikon数据,布伦特原油与中东原油基准迪拜原油的价差在周四降至近每桶70美分,这是2017年7月以来的最低水平。
    尼日利亚最大的原油Qua Iboe本周的报价比基准布伦特原油高出每桶2美元,为10个月高点。在北海Forties原油价格在周一达到10月以来最高点。
    吴慧丹 摘译自 ZAWYA
    Middle East Crude-Benchmarks decline for 3rd session
    Middle East crude benchmarks fell on Thursday, extending declines for a third straight session, but spot premiums for medium grades held firm, supported by demand for sour grades in Europe and Asia amid OPEC cuts.
    Iraq’s SOMO has sold 2 million barrels of Basra Light crude for end-February loading at a strong premium of $1.30-$1.40 a barrel to its official selling price (OSP), trade sources said.
    Exxon Mobil has likely bought the cargo loading on Feb. 27-28, which is expected to head to Europe, they said.
    Tighter sour crude supplies in Europe and competitive Basra crude prices against similar quality Russian Urals have supported Basra’s crude premiums, one of the sources said.
    CPC bought March-loading Upper Zakum crude via a tender at parity to 5 cents a barrel above its OSP, trade sources said. It was not immediately clear how many cargoes the Taiwanese refiner bought.
    Brent crude’s premium to quotes for Middle East crude benchmark Dubai fell on Thursday to close to 70 cents a barrel, the narrowest spread between the two grades since July 2017, according to two trade sources and Refinitiv Eikon data.
    The narrower price spread will support Asia’s demand for crude oil from the Atlantic Basin that are priced off Brent while dampening Asian oil buyers’ appetite for Dubai-linked grades from the Middle East and Russia.
    Crude oil markets in Europe and West Africa have made a strong start to 2019 as Libyan supply losses and strong demand in Asia offset rising U.S. exports.
    Nigeria’s biggest crude grade, Qua Iboe, was being offered this week at a $2 per barrel premium to benchmark dated Brent, a 10-month high. In the North Sea, Forties crude reached its highest since October on Monday.
