

    中国石化新闻网讯 据TradeArabia网达兰1月26日消息 沙特国家石油巨头沙特阿美公司表示已经与世界领先的工业气体公司即美国航空产品公司签署了一项协议,将共同建设沙特的第一个氢燃料电池汽车加油站。     沙特阿美公司在一份声明中表示,两家公司的合作将结合Air Products公司在氢领域的技术知识和经验并将沙特阿美的工业经验、设施和研发能力结合起来。     根据协议,沙特阿美公司和Air Products公司将建立一个燃料电池汽车的试点车队,在新的加油站为该车队提供高纯度压缩氢。     新空间站将采用Air Products公司独有的智能燃料氢燃料技术,为车辆提供压缩氢。     在该项目试点阶段收集的数据将为评估这一新兴运输技术在当地环境中的未来应用提供宝贵的信息。     该公司补充称,该国首个氢燃料补给站预计将于2019年第二季度投入运营。     沙特阿美首席技术官Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter表示,“氢燃料电池为运输电气化提供了一种有效的手段,同时还能保持5分钟的燃料补给和长距离的行驶里程。”他补充说:“利用石油或天然气提炼的氢为燃料电池电动汽车提供动力,是一个令人兴奋的机会,可以扩大石油在清洁交通中的使用。”     Air Products公司执行副总裁Samir Serhan博士表示:“我们很荣幸与沙特阿美公司合作,建立并开发可持续的碳氢化合物供氢系统,用于沙特阿拉伯的燃料电池试点示范车队。这进一步说明了我们对王国2030年愿景的承诺。”     吴慧丹 摘译自 TradeArabia     原文如下:     Saudi Aramco set to build first hydrogen fueling station     State oil giant Saudi Aramco said it has signed an agreement with US-based Air Products, a leading industrial gases company in the world, to jointly build the first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fueling station in the kingdom.     The collaboration between the two companies will combine Air Products’ technological know-how and experience in the field of hydrogen with Saudi Aramco’s industrial experience, facilities and R&D (research and development) capabilities, said a statement from Saudi Aramco.     As per the deal, Saudi Aramco and Air Products will establish a pilot fleet of fuel cell vehicles for which high-purity compressed hydrogen will be dispensed at the new fueling station, it stated.     Air Products’ proprietary SmartFuel hydrogen fueling technology will be incorporated into the new station to supply the vehicles with compressed hydrogen.     The collected data during this pilot phase of the project will provide valuable information for the assessment of future applications of this emerging transport technology in the local environment.
    The hydrogen refueling station, the first in the Kingdom, is expected to be operational in the second quarter of 2019, it added.     “Hydrogen fuel cells offer an effective means for the electrification of transport while maintaining easy, 5 minute refueling and long driving ranges,” remarked Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter, the chief technology officer of Saudi Aramco.     “The use of hydrogen derived from oil or gas to power fuel cell electric vehicles represents an exciting opportunity to expand the use of oil in clean transport,” he added.     Dr Samir Serhan, the executive VP at Air Products, said: “We are honoured to work on another venture with Saudi Aramco to establish and develop a sustainable hydrocarbon-based hydrogen supply system for pilot demonstration of a fuel cell vehicle fleet in Saudi Arabia,”It further illustrates our commitment to the Kingdom’s 2030 vision.”
