
随着油价反弹 页岩钻探今年首次扩大

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油1月25日消息 随着原油价格上涨提振乐观情绪,石油勘探者今年首次扩大了在美国油田的钻探作业。 据油田服务提供商贝克休斯周五公布的数据显示,美国针对石油的钻井平台数量本周增加了10个,达到862个。但此次数量的上升也只是部分扭转了美国勘探近三年来最糟糕的低谷。 自圣诞前夜以来,原油价格上涨了约25%,恢复了管理团队和勘探投资者的信心,之前因第四季度油价的大崩盘而不安。尽管总部位于休斯顿的哈里伯顿(Halliburton)公司表示,它可能不会提高服务价格,但作为全球最大的水力压裂公司,其在本周早些时候预测,对其服务的需求将会有适度增加。 哈里伯顿首席执行官Jeff Miller在1月22日的一次电话会议上对分析师和投资者表示:“随着第一季度客户预算的重新加载,他们将重新开始工作。尽管起步缓慢,但2019仍将是我们继续为长期复苏奠定基础的另一年。” 美国最大的页岩开采区二叠纪盆地的石油钻井平台数量本周上升了3台,此前一周则下降了7台。 王磊 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: Shale drilling expands first time this year as oil rebounds Oil explorers expanded drilling in U.S. fields for the first time this year as rising crude prices buoyed optimism. The number of rigs targeting oil in the country rose by 10 this week to 862, according to data released Friday by oilfield-services provider Baker Hughes. The hike only partially reversed the worst setback for American exploration in almost three years. Crude has climbed about 25% since Christmas Eve, restoring some confidence among management teams and wildcatters rattled by a steep, fourth-quarter collapse. Halliburton Co., the world’s biggest fracer, earlier this week forecast a modest increase in demand for its services during the current quarter, although the Houston-based company warned it probably won’t be able to raise its prices. “As our customer budgets reload in the first quarter, they are going back to work,” Halliburton CEO Jeff Miller told analysts and investors during a Jan. 22 conference call. “Despite a slow start, 2019 will be another year where we continue to build the foundation for a longer-term recovery.” The oil rig count in the Permian basin, the U.S.’s biggest shale play, rose by 3 this week after falling by 7 the week prior
