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Velocity LSG桥塞
Forum能源科技公司的ProDrill® Velocity LSG复合压裂桥塞可实现快速磨铣,是完成多级射孔桥塞联作作业的关键组件。该桥塞通过缩短钻塞时间、减小碎屑尺寸、降低排出碎屑量,提高了完井作业效率。ProDrill Velocity复合桥塞可降低钻塞作业中的风险,减少非常规井完井的现场作业时间与费用。
此类桥塞的设计与常规复合桥塞不同,桥塞组件不会在固定芯轴上滑动。优化后的复合桥塞在坐封时长度会缩短,并且在钻塞作业期间避免组件的旋转。这款短小的单卡瓦桥塞在钻塞作业中减少了作业风险与时间。该桥塞采用投球激活方式,可用于5.5in,17至23PPF磅级的套管,额定作业温度为300℉,额定作业压力为10000psi。目前正在开发适用于4.5in,9.5至13.5 PPF磅级套管的投球式桥塞。
ProDrill® Velocity LSG复合压裂桥塞的应用优势包括:1,降低完井作业时间与成本,与传统复合桥塞设计相比,缩短了65%的钻塞时间;2,长度缩短50%,因此需要钻穿并循环出井筒的材料数量降低了50%,使作业风险与钻塞时间最小化;3,得益于对称的轻量设计,增加了水平井的泵作业效率,从而减少时间与水资源的消耗;4,采用简单的单卡瓦、底部坐封、压缩式坐封设计,可承受碎片冲击,从而降低风险。
得益于独特的设计与材质,ProDrill® Velocity LSG复合压裂桥塞应用特点包括:1,优化后的单卡瓦设计减少了循环出井筒的碎屑数量以及碎屑尺寸;2,压缩式坐封设计可在坐封过程中避免关键组件处于受拉状态,并可在压裂过程中与压裂后,将桥塞保持在坐封位置;3,底部坐封、防提前坐封的结构,可缓解泵送作业期间的冲击力;4,在钻塞过程中,凹形球座可避免球旋转;5,在坐封位置处,独特的桥塞结构更短,从而减少需要钻穿以及循环出井筒的材料数量。
ProDrill Express复合桥塞
Forum的ProDril Express复合压裂桥塞系列可在水平井与直井的水力压裂作业中,提供可靠、耐用、经济的方法来临时封隔层位。该桥塞将复合材料与铸铁卡瓦相结合,有助于缩短钻塞时间(一般为13至20分钟,甚至更短),同时保持可靠性。
ProDrill Express桥塞采用专利材料制造,多结构接头能够穿过芯轴内径(ID),使其内部完全由复合材料构成。无需黄铜或铝制转换配件,从而缩短钻塞时间并降低作业风险。铸铁卡瓦仅硬化至镶齿深度,可坐封于P110套管。
ProDrill Express投球式压裂桥塞坐封后,内径保持打开,允许桥塞上方继续作业。从井口投入密封球,将之泵送到桥塞的球座。一旦球就位,作业者即可对压裂桥塞施加压力。若不从井口投入小球,也可将小球置于剪切轴套接头与芯轴之间,使其成为回流塞。
ProDrill Express投球式压裂桥塞的应用优势包括:1、提高作业效率;2、有助于确保压裂作业中的压力完整性;3、降低风险;4、降低完井作业成本。应用特点包括:1、可用于多种尺寸规格的套管;2、利用独特的顶部凸缘设计与底部斜口设计,有助于确保钻塞时桥塞不会旋转;3、利用常规油管或连续油管即可钻塞;4、制造桥塞的材料不会造成环境影响;5、空心卡瓦设计,仅硬化至镶齿深度,易于钻出;6、可根据需求泵送刮管器。
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Forum Energy Technologies’ family of ProDrill® composite bridge and frac plugs are designed to reliably provide temporary zonal isolation during stage fracs in horizontal and vertical wells. These plugs, which are a critical component in completing plug-and-perf operations, are constructed with premium composite materials. The plugs help mitigate risk during drillout, while decreasing time on location and costs to complete unconventional wells.
Forum is a global provider of engineered completion and downhole solutions and products that can be tailored and packaged to the technical specifications of each well design. We’re completely focused on optimizing upstream completion costs for each operator.
ProDrill® Velocity™ LSG
The Forum Energy Technologies ProDrill® Velocity™ LSG, fast-drillout composite frac plug is a critical component when completing plug-and-perf operations. This solution optimizes well completions efficiency by reducing drillout times, debris size and the amount of material that needs to be circulated out of the hole. The ProDrill Velocity composite plug mitigates risk during drillout, while decreasing time on location and costs to complete unconventional wells.
The set-from-bottom, compression-set plug design minimizes run risk by transmitting impacts through the wireline adapter kit (WLAK) tension mandrel, which also reduces stresses on critical elements of the plug. Once set, this design keeps the plug in the set position during and after fracturing operations.
The design is unique in that the components do not slide on a stationary mandrel like typical composite plugs. This allows the reduced-length, fully optimized composite plug to shorten when set and mitigate spinning components during drillout. The short one-slip plug reduces the amount and size of material that is circulated out of the hole, reducing both risk and time. The plug is available in a top-ball configuration for 5.5. 17-23# casing in 10,000 psi 300F applications. A top ball plug for 4.5-in 9.5-13.5# is currently in development.
With an easily drillable low-specific gravity (LSG) option of 1.6, the magnesium alloy slip, with ceramic buttons, further improves efficiency of the plug. Since the slip’s material is lighter than composite, it provides a clean well post-drillout, even in low bottomhole pressure wellbores.
- Unconventional wells
- Multizone completions
- Plug-and-perf completions
- Lowers costs and time to complete, up to a 65% reduction in drillout times over traditional composite plug designs
- Minimizes risk and drillout time, with a 50% reduction in length and a 50% reduction in weight of material to be drilled and circulated out of the hole
- Decreases time and water consumption since the symmetrical lightweight design allows more efficient horizontal pumpdown operations
- Mitigates risk with a simple one-slip, set-from-bottom, compression-set design, which withstands debris impacts
- Optimized one-slip design reduces particle size and material to circulate out of hole
- Compression-set design eliminates critical components from being put in tension during the setting sequence and keeps the plug in the locked position during and after fracturing
- Bottom-set, anti-preset configuration mitigates impacts during pumpdown operations
- Recessed ball seat keeps ball from spinning during drillout
- Unique plug configuration that shortens in the set position, reduces amount of material to drill and circulate out of the well
ProDrill® Express Series Composite Plugs
Forum Energy Technologies’ ProDrill Express Series bridge and frac plugs offer a dependable, durable and cost-effective method to temporarily isolate zones during hydraulic fracturing operations in both vertical and horizontal wells. The plugs uniquely combime composites with cast-iron slips, helping to reduce drillout times (consistent times of 13to20 minutes or less), while remaining reliable
The ProDrill Express plugs are manufactured with proprietary material, which allows the multiconfiguration adapters to be threaded in the inner diameter (ID) mandrel, making it a fully internal composite tool, No brass or aluminum conversion accessories are required, improving drillout times and reducing risks. Cast-iron slips are hardened to wicker depth only, and can be set in up to P110 casing.
The multiconfiguration plug allows the user to easily convert it from a ball-drop solution to a caged-ball flowback or solid bridge plug using two simple kits. The plugs can be run with any wireline-setting tool or tubing-run hydraulic setting tool. Plugs are currently available for the following casing sizes, 3 ”/z, 4’h, 5 1/2, and 7 in.
Ball-Drop Frat Plug Configuration
After the ProDrill Express ball-drop frac plug is set, the ID remains open, allowing work to continue above. A ball is then dropped from the surface and pumped dawn until it seats on the tool. Once the ball is seated, the operator can pressure up against the frac plug, The ball can also be run in place, between the shear sleeve adapter and mandrel allowing it to be used as a flowback plug without having to drop the Gall from surface
Caged-Ball Frac Plug Configuration
The caged-ball frac plug utilizes simple ball/cage adapter that houses a 3/4in composite ball in the upper ID of the plug, When zonal pressure is greater from below the plug, the ball cage allows the lower and upper zones to communicate. When zonal pressure is greater from above, the ball seats; thus, isolating the zones
Bridge Plug Configuration
The Express Series bridge plug is converted using a simple composite bridging pin that is threaded into the mandrel while sealing in the ID. This plugged ID is drilled out before the top slip; thus, allowing the upper and lower zones to equalize during drillout. The operating range listed in the specitication table refers to the difterential pressure rating from above. The differential pressure rating from below is 6000psi.
- Increases operational efficiency
- Helps ensure pressure integrity during fracturing operations
- Mitigates risk
- Decreases amount of inventory needed on hand
- Reduces cost of completions
- Available in 3 ½, 4 ½, 5, 5 ½ and 7 in. casing sizes
- Utilizes unique lug design on the top and muleshoe bottom, helping ensure that the plugs do not spin during drillout
- Can be drilled using conventional tubing or coiled tubing
- Materials used in construction are conducive to a wide range of environments
- Hollowed slip design only hardened to wicker depth for ease of drillout
- Pump-down wiper available upon request