中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月21日消息,在存储芯片、石油产品和船只需求下滑的情况下,今年年初韩国出口表现疲软。海关数据显示,到目前为止韩国1月份出口同比下滑15%。在韩国出口中占四分之一的对华出口下降23%。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: South Korea’s Exports Down Sharply to Start 2019 South Korea’s exports got off to a weak start for the year amid softer demand for memory chips, petroleum products and ships. Customs data show month-to-date exports slumped 15% from a year earlier. Shipments to China, which make up 1/4 of South Korea’s exports, sunk 23%.