

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年1月16日伦敦报道,消息人士称,欧洲炼油厂时下正在提高低硫燃料油产量,为国际海事组织(IMO)2020年1月实施0.5%的全球船用燃料油硫上限做准备。 消息人士补充说,欧洲炼油厂也在削减高硫燃料油产量。 一名燃料油交易商周二表示:“由于欧洲炼油厂要么生产低硫燃料油,要么在内部燃烧高硫燃料油,欧洲炼油厂将不再生产高硫燃料油。” 欧洲西北部燃料油市场的现货溢价比2018年第三季度和第四季度有所下降,这促使交易商寻求储罐合同,为符合国际海事组织0.5%硫上限的船用燃料油储存做准备。 2月高硫燃料油和低硫燃料油之间的价差周二报7.25美元/吨,当周每吨回落了3美元,市场对该价差走强的预期被充足的供应所抵消。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: European refiners boost low sulfur fuel oil production in preparation for IMO 2020 European refiners are increasing low sulfur fuel oil production in preparation for the January 2020 implementation of a 0.5% global marine fuel sulfur cap, sources said. Refiners in Europe are also cutting high sulfur fuel oil production. “European refineries aren’t producing HSFO anymore, as they are all either making LSFO or burning fuel internally,” a fuel oil trader said Tuesday. The softening of the backwardation in the Northwest European fuel oil market from values seen in Q3 and Q4 2018 has led traders to seek storage tank contracts in preparation for storing marine fuel compliant with the International Maritime Organization’s 0.5% sulfur cap. Ample availability outweighed any prospect of strength in the February high sulfur-low sulfur spread, which was assessed at $7.25/mt on Tuesday, down $3.00/mt on the week.  
