

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社开罗报道,以色列能源部长Yuval Steinitz表示,以色列和埃及正在商谈修建一条水下天然气管道,这是将地中海东部变成欧洲家门口能源出口枢纽努力的一部分。 Steinitz表示,最早可能在明年开始修建管道,将天然气从以色列近海的利维坦和塔马尔油田输送到埃及现有的液化天然气工厂进行加工和再出口。 新管线将使以色列能够向埃及出口比现有的连接以色列南部和埃及西奈半岛的EMG管道每年最多70亿立方米的石油。 Steinitz在开罗接受彭博社采访时表示:“目前还没有最终决定,但已经有了谈判。”他参加了首届东地中海天然气论坛,这次活动的目的是促进该区域新兴天然气生产国、消费国和过境国之间的合作,下次会议将在四月举行。 来自埃及、以色列、希腊、塞浦路斯、约旦、意大利和巴勒斯坦权力机构的石油部长们星期一参加了会议,他们在会上同意共同努力,通过利用现有基础设施和增加生产力,将石油储备货币化。 这次会议是在一项价值150亿美元的协议签署一年后举行的,这份具有里程碑意义的协议显示,以色列将在未来十年内向埃及出口天然气。 詹晓晶摘自彭博社 原文如下: Authorities discuss plans to build gas pipeline from Israel to Egypt Talks are in progress to build an underwater natural gas pipeline between Israel and Egypt, part of efforts to transform the eastern Mediterranean into an energy export hub on Europe’s doorstep, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said. Construction could begin as early as next year on the pipe to transport gas from Israel’s offshore Leviathan and Tamar fields to Egypt’s existing liquefied natural gas plants for processing and re-export, Steinitz said. The new line would allow Israel to export much more to Egypt than the maximum 7 Bcm/year that can flow through the existing EMG pipeline connecting southern Israel to Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. “There’s no final decision yet, but there are talks,” Steinitz told Bloomberg in an interview in Cairo, where he took part in the first East Mediterranean Gas Forum. The event was aimed at boosting cooperation among the region’s nascent gas producers, consumers and transit countries. The next meeting will take place in April. Oil ministers from Egypt, Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Italy and the Palestinian Authority joined the gathering Monday, where they agreed to work together to monetize reserves by using existing infrastructure and adding more capacity. The meeting came nearly a year after the signing of a $15 billion deal to export Israeli gas to Egypt over a decade — a landmark deal reached after years of litigation.​
