

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU网伦敦1月16日消息 俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom,简称俄气)周二在其电子销售平台(ESP)上拍卖天然气,将使俄罗斯天然气能够供应给欧洲最大的荷兰TTF中心。 天然气将于2月交付于TTF,这是Gazprom自2018年9月开始在ESP上销售天然气以来,首次将TTF枢纽作为一个潜在的交付点。 包含TTF可能是俄气出口计划对该中心作为交付点的兴趣,这标志着将进一步提升电子平台的灵活性,因为该公司考虑以其传统的长期合同销售模式出售额外的天然气。 自2019年初以来,Gazprom出口第一季已售出2.94亿立方米天然气,相当于2019年迄今为止每日7次拍卖的量即约4200万立方米/日。 今年的大部分销售是在2月份交付给Gaspool, 3月份交付给Gaspool的销量较少以及2月份交付给德国NCG中心、Arnoldstein互连点和Slovakian虚拟交易点。 ESP于2018年9月底启动,是俄气传统长期合同模式以外的天然气销售机制。 Gazprom出口的天然气迄今已分三波通过ESP销售,第一次是在2018年第四季度交付天然气,第二次主要是在2019年1月交付,现在是第三次。 吴慧丹 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Gazprom Export opens up ESP for delivery to Dutch TTF gas hub Gazprom Export is making Russian gas available for delivery to the Dutch TTF hub – Europe’s biggest – in the Tuesday auction on its Electronic Sales Platform, or ESP. Gas will be offered for TTF delivery in February, the 1st time Gazprom Export has included the TTF hub as a potential delivery point since it started selling gas on the ESP in September 2018. The inclusion of TTF is likely an attempt by Gazprom Export to gauge interest in the hub as a delivery point and marks a further increase in the flexibility of the electronic platform as the company looks to sell additional gas on top of volumes sold under its traditional long-term contract model. Gazprom Export has now sold a total of 294 million m3 for delivery across the Q1 since the start of 2019 – the equivalent of some 42 million cu/d across the 7 daily auctions so far in 2019. Majority of the sales this year have been for February delivery to Gaspool, with a small volume sold for March delivery to Gaspool and some gas sold for February delivery to the German NCG hub, the Arnoldstein interconnection point and the Slovakian virtual trading point. The total volume of gas sold on the ESP – which started in late September 2018 as a mechanism for selling gas outside of Gazprom’s traditional long-term contract model – is now 1.93 Bcm. Gazprom Export has sold gas via the ESP in 3 waves to date. The 1st was for delivery of gas in the Q4 of 2018, the 2nd for delivery predominantly in January 2019, and now a 3rd wave.  
