
PV Gas从Ichthys接收越南首批LPG货物

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯1月16日新加坡报道,据知情人士透露,越南已于12月底收到Inpex运营的Ichthys项目的首批液化石油气货物,这是继中国之后第二个从澳大利亚西北部的液化天然气气田提货的亚洲国家。 来自Ichthys的第三批液化石油气货物正在运往日本。 据航运消息人士周三称,这批44000吨的混合冷藏货物于12月29日搭乘VLGC BW Elm号货船抵达越南南部的Vung Tau港。。 据标准普尔全球普氏贸易流软件cFlow的数据,12月中旬左右,法国道达尔石油公司(Total)在这艘58136载重吨船上装载了这批货物,并于12月22日离开达尔文附近的Ichthys码头。 越南消息人士称,这批货物首先被出售给另一家西方贸易公司,该公司又将其交付给越南国家石油公司(PetroVietnam)的子公司PV Gas,作为其年度合同的一部分。据消息人士透露,根据合同,PV Gas每月可交付一批货物,Ichthys stem项目属于合同1月份的交付计划。 该消息人士拒绝透露西方贸易商的名称,但其他贸易消息人士表示,Vitol自去年12月起与PV Gas签订了定期供货合同,PV Gas占越南市场份额的60%左右。 越南消息人士称,他们欢迎未来从Ichthys进口液化石油气。“该产品的质量对我们和家庭使用都有好处。”消息人士补充说。 交付给越南的是道达尔从Ichthys项目提取的第二批货物。 李方征 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: PV Gas receives Vietnam’s first LPG cargo from Ichthys Vietnam has received its first LPG cargo from the Inpex-operated Ichthys project around end-December, the second Asian country after China to take delivery from the LNG field off northwestern Australia, market sources familiar with the matter said this week. A third LPG cargo from Ichthys is on the way to Japan. The 44,000 mt mixed refrigerated cargo arrived at Vung Tau port in southern Vietnam on December 29 aboard the VLGC BW Elm, a shipping source said on Wednesday. The cargo was lifted by French oil company Total aboard the 58,136-dwt vessel around mid-December and left the Ichthys terminal near Darwin on December 22, according to S&P Global Platts trade flow software cFlow . The cargo was first sold to another western trading firm, which in turn delivered it to PetroVietnam subsidiary PV Gas, as part of its annual term contract, said a Vietnamese source. Under the contract, PV Gas takes delivery of one cargo per month and the Ichthys stem comes under the contract’s January delivery program, the source added. The source declined to reveal the name of the western trader, but other trade sources said that Vitol has a term supply contract since December with PV Gas, which has around 60% of Vietnam’s market share. The Vietnamese source said they would welcome future LPG shipments from Ichthys. “The quality is good for us, for household usage,” the source added. The cargo delivered to Vietnam was the second that Total has lifted from the Ichthys project.  
