

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏伦敦1月16日消息称,Vakt周三表示,雪佛龙、道达尔和信实工业已成为Vakt区块链平台的战略投资者。 该数字平台在北海原油市场处理交易后加工业务,现有股东包括英国石油、挪威国家石油公司和壳牌。 Vakt董事Adam Vile在一份声明中表示:“随着雪佛龙、信实和道达尔的加入,我们现在拥有全球十大石油和天然气公司中的五家公司。” BP、挪威国家石油公司、壳牌,贡沃尔和摩科瑞已经在使用这个于11月底启用的平台,并且它们都是战略投资者。 Vakt的目标是在今年晚些时候将其业务扩展到美国原油管道和欧洲西北部的成品油驳船。该公司表示,该平台最终可能支持所有实际交易的能源市场。 该平台管理从入市到最终结算的实物能源交易,消除了对账和纸质流程。它不涉及贸易本身。 该公司表示,预计不久将向非财团授权方首次公开发行。Vakt负责业务发展的副总裁Lyon Hardgrave在11月份对普氏表示,授权商可以在交易后解决方案中节省约40%的效率成本。 该公司的其他投资者包括荷兰银行和法国兴业银行。 陈菲 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Chevron, Total, Reliance join blockchain investor group Chevron, Total and Reliance Industries have become strategic investors in the Vakt blockchain platform, Vakt said Wednesday. The digital platform, which handles post-trade processing in the North Sea crude oil market, counts BP, Equinor and Shell among existing shareholders. “With Chevron, Reliance and Total on board, we now have five of the world’s top ten largest oil and gas companies by market capitalization” as investors, Vakt director Adam Vile said in a statement. BP, Equinor, Shell, Gunvor and Mercuria are already using the platform, launched in late November, and are all strategic investors. Vakt aims to extend it to US crude oil pipelines and Northwest Europe refined product barges later this year. Ultimately the platform could support all physically traded energy markets, it has said. The platform manages physical energy transactions from trade entry to final settlement, eliminating reconciliation and paper-based processes. It does not involve the trade itself. A first public launch to non-consortium licensees is expected soon, the company said. Licensees can expect efficiency cost savings of around 40% in post-trade resolution, Vakt’s vice-president of business development, Lyon Hardgrave, told S&P Global Platts in November. Other investors in the company include ANB Amro and Societe Generale.  
