中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月15日消息,美国能源信息署(EIA)表示,由于针对商业船舶的新环保规定将于明年生效,2020年炼油商将获得可观的收益,而且产能利用率水平将创历史最高纪录。EIA在其最新的《短期能源展望》中表示,为减少空气污染,联合国的一个机构正在实施这些规定,这些规定可能会提高对高质量燃料的需求,导致原油和柴油价格在2019年疲软之后走高。分析称,最重要的影响之一将是到2020年柴油批发利润率从2018年的43美分/加仑提高至65美分/加仑。报告还称,美国炼油厂的平均利用率将达到96%,达到创纪录的1800万桶/天,较2019年增长4%。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Refiners To Be Big Winners From New Bunker-Fuel Rules Refiners will benefit handsomely and run at record rates in 2020 because of new environmental rules for commercial ships going into effect next year, EIA says. An arm of the UN is putting these rules into place to reduce air pollution, and they are likely to raise demand for higher-quality fuels, sending crude and diesel prices higher after a weak 2019, EIA says in its new Short Term Energy Outlook. “One of the most significant impacts,” will be to raise diesel wholesale margins to 65 cents a gallon in 2020, up from a 43-cent average in 2018, the analysis says. It adds that US refinery utilization will average 96%, setting record levels of 18 million barrels a day, up 4% from 2019.