

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网1月15日布加勒斯特报道,据当地经济网报道,向罗马尼亚进口俄罗斯天然气的WIEE公司通知客户,自2019年1月1日起,天然气价格将上调2%。 此举是在罗马尼亚政府根据114/2018紧急法令对包括天然气生产商在内的当地能源公司的收入征收2%的流转税后立即出台的。这项税收对天然气进口商没有约束力。 罗马尼亚每年从国内产量中消耗大约110亿立方米天然气以及每年进口大约10亿立方米天然气。但当地的天然气储量正在枯竭,而产量在海上天然气开始从黑海流出前很可能会下降。 罗马尼亚政府根据相同条例实施的受管制天然气价格很可能会抑制本地生产商的积极性,后者可能会减少产量,甚至超过自然损耗的合理水平或将大部分产量转向自己拥有的电力生产设施。 由于家庭将以受管制的价格从当地产量中获得供应,国内供应减少将影响工业终端用户,后者将不得不更大份额进口昂贵的天然气。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网 原文如下: Importers hike the price of Russian gas in Romania Neftegaz.RU. WIEE, a company that imports Russian natural gas to Romania, notified its customers about a 2% price hike effective January 1, 2019, local Economica.net reported. The move came immediately after the Romanian government levied, by emergency ordinance 114/2018, a 2% turnover tax on the revenues of local energy companies, including the natural gas producers. The tax is not enforceable to natural gas importers. Romania consumes some 11 billion m3 natural gas from domestic production and imports some 1 billion m3 each year. But the local reserves are depleting and the production is likely to decrease until the offshore gas starts flowing from the Black Sea. The regulated natural gas price enforced by the government under the same ordinance is likely to depress local producers’ incentives and they might reduce output even more than justified by the natural depletion or direct a large part of their production to the electricity production facilities they own. Since households will be supplied from local production at regulated prices, lower domestic supply will impact industrial end-users, which will be delivered a larger share of imported (expensive) natural gas.  
