中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社奥斯陆1月11日报道,挪威石油部星期五表示,Equinor已经获得了在北海开发二氧化碳储存的许可证,这是努力应对气候变化的一部分。 预计Equinor将在今年提交一份发展计划,并将在2020年或2021年做出最终决定。 碳捕获和储存(CCS)的支持者表示,各国需要这项技术来帮助履行在2015年达成突破性的巴黎气候变化协议时做出的承诺。 但环保人士表示,当需要迅速大幅削减能源使用以限制全球变暖时,这项成本高昂的技术将使现状永久化。 计划中的储存地点将位于挪威最大的石油和气田Troll附近,目标是能够从陆上设施(如发电厂或水泥厂)接收二氧化碳,以减少对大气的排放。 Equinor和合作伙伴壳牌公司正在进行前端工程和设计研究,这将提供更准确的成本估计。 2016年的初步估算显示,建立一个完整的CCS链可能要花费72亿克朗(合8.52亿美元)至126亿克朗,包括通过船舶运输二氧化碳和海底储存。 Equinor表示,在项目的第一阶段,每年大约有150万吨的二氧化碳可以被抽到海底储存,随后还可以扩大。 负责开发CCS项目的政府机构Gassnova表示,如果获得批准,该储存仓库预计将于2023年或2024年开始运营。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Norway awards Equinor license to build CO2 storage under seabed Equinor has won a license to develop carbon dioxide (CO2) storage under the North Sea, Norway’s oil ministry said on Friday, part of a push to combat climate change. Equinor is expected to submit a development plan this year, with parliament making a final decision in 2020 or 2021. Proponents of carbon capture and storage (CCS) say countries need the technology to help fulfil pledges made around the time of the breakthrough Paris climate change agreement in 2015. But environmentalists say is a costly technology that will perpetuate the status quo when rapid and deep cuts to energy use are needed to limit global warming. The planned storage will be located near Norway’s largest oil and gas field, Troll, and aims to be able to receive CO2 from onshore facilities, such as power or cement plants, to reduce emissions to the atmosphere. Equinor and partners Shell and Total are working on front-end engineering and design (FEED)-studies, which should provide more accurate cost estimates. The preliminary estimates from 2016 showed it could cost between 7.2 billion crowns ($852 million) to 12.6 billion crowns to establish a full CCS chain, including CO2 transportation by ships and the subsea storage. Equinor said about 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year could be pumped for storage under the seabed during the first phase of the project, which could be later expanded. If approved, the storage is expected to start operations in 2023 or 2024, Gassnova, a governmental agency in charge of developing the CCS project, said.