

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社2019年1月10日奥斯陆报道,挪威石油监管机构挪威国家石油理事会(NPD)日前下调了今年挪威的产量预期,预计今年挪威原油产量在2020年恢复前可能降至30年来的最低水平。 今年挪威8220万立方米或142万桶/天的石油产量将是1988年以来的最低水平。这一预测与去年8620万桶的实际产量相比有所下降,而之前的预测是8720万桶。 NPD说,石油产量下降主要受到新开发项目的影响,这些新开发项目变得比预期更为复杂,完井数也少于预期。 NPD总经理本特•尼兰德在接受采访时补充称,2018年新项目的延期和问题将继续影响挪威今年的产量,迫使其下调今年产量预测。NPD预计,由于石油行业从最近的低迷中复苏,石油公司今年将在挪威近海钻取53口新探井,与去年持平。不包括勘探,挪威今年海上石油行业的投资将增长13%,超过1400亿挪威克朗。 李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社 原文如下: Norway Cuts Production Forecast to Lowest in 30 Years Norway’s oil regulator reduced its forecast for production this year, predicting crude output could drop to the lowest in three decades before recovering in 2020. Oil output of 82.2 million cubic meters, or 1.42 million barrels a day, would be the lowest since 1988. The forecast compares to actual production of 86.2 million last year, and is down from an earlier estimate of 87.2 million. NPD says oil output was affected by new developments becoming more complex than anticipated and that fewer than expected wells have been drilled. Director General Bente Nyland added in an interview that delays and issues on new projects in 2018 would continue to affect output this year, forcing a reduction in the production forecast. The NPD expects oil companies to drill 53 exploration wells offshore Norway in 2019, unchanged from last year, as the industry recovers from a recent downturn. Investments in the offshore industry are set to rise 13 percent in 2019 to more than 140 billion kroner, excluding exploration.  
