

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油斯德哥尔摩报道,伦丁石油公司宣布,其全资子公司挪威伦丁石油公司已经完成了2/6-6s井的勘探,目标是位于北海PL860上的Oppdal和Driva的勘探前景,两个目标井都是干燥的。 该井的主要目的是测试位于挪威南部曼达尔海区靠近丹麦海洋边界的古新世砂岩Oppdal和较深的罗得里亚期砂岩Driva的储集性能和油气潜力。这口井遇到了预期的古新世和罗得里亚期,但没有烃类存在。第二口曼达尔高地区域双重目标井,Vinstra/Otta在相邻的PL539许可证上,将在2019年钻探。 这口井是用Rowan Viking自升式钻井平台钻探的,由MOL Norge运营,持有40%的股份。合伙人挪威伦丁石油公司持有40%的股份,挪威国有Petoro石油公司持有20%的股份。 詹晓晶摘自世界石油 原文如下: Lundin Norway targets Oppdal, Driva prospects Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Lundin Norway AS (Lundin Norway) has completed exploration well 2/6-6S, targeting the Oppdal and Driva prospects in PL860 in the North Sea. Both targets were dry. The main objective of the well was to test the reservoir properties and hydrocarbon potential of the Paleocene sandstones in the Oppdal prospect and of the deeper Rotliegendes sandstones in the Driva prospect, located in the Mandal High area of the southern Norwegian North Sea close to the Danish maritime border. The well encountered the expected Paleocene and Rotliegendes intervals but with no hydrocarbons present. The second Mandal High area dual target well, Vinstra/Otta on the adjacent PL539 license, will be drilled in 2019. The well was drilled with the Rowan Viking jackup drilling rig and was operated by MOL Norge with a 40% working interest. The partners are Lundin Norway with a 40% working interest and Petoro with a 20% working interest. ​  
