中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月8日达喀尔报道,贷款主要安排机构非洲金融公司(AFC)首席执行官joseph joseph宣布,科特迪瓦最大的炼油厂SIR炼油厂日前获得了6.6亿美元贷款,这使得这个炼油厂能够减少债务并继续购买原油。SIR炼油厂也是西非法语国家中最大的炼油厂。 多年来,SIR炼油厂一直在与高企的债务水平作斗争,这可能威胁到其为科特迪瓦快速增长的经济购买石油的能力。2016年,科特迪瓦利用公共和私人资金对SIR炼油厂实施了债务减免措施。 新贷款包括一笔9年期欧元贷款和一笔7年期CFA西非法郎贷款。 参与贷款的其它银行包括德意志银行、中国工商银行标准银行(ICBC Standard Bank)、非洲联合银行(United Bank for Africa)、尼日利亚主权投资银行(NSIA Bank)和桥梁银行。诺顿律师事务所为这笔交易提供咨询。 SIR炼油厂的年炼油能力在2018年达到了380万吨,这个炼油厂主要服务于科特迪瓦和周边国家。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Ivory Coast SIR oil refinery secures loan Ivory Coast’s SIR oil refinery, the largest in French-speaking West Africa, has secured a $660 million loan, lead arranger Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) announced, allowing it to reduce debt and keep buying crude. SIR has struggled with towering debt levels for years, potentially threatening its ability to buy oil for Ivory Coast’s fast-growing economy. In 2016, the country implemented debt-relief measures for the refinery using public and private funds. The new loan comprises a euro tranche with a 9-year maturity and a West African CFA franc tranche with a 7-year maturity. Other banks involved in the loan include Deutsche Bank, ICBC Standard Bank, United Bank for Africa, NSIA Bank and Bridge Bank. Lawyers Norton Rose Fulbright and Bilé-Aka, Brizoua-Bi & Associés advised on the transaction. With a refining capacity of 3.8 million tonnes in 2018, SIR serves Ivory Coast and nearby countries.