中国石化新闻网讯 据TradeArabia网迪拜1月8日消息 Penspen是全球领先的能源行业工程和项目管理服务的供应商,该公司宣布已获得一份合同,即执行尼日利亚和摩洛哥之间拟议天然气管道的第一阶段(前端工程和设计)合同。 国家石油公司(ONHYM)和尼日利亚国家石油公司(NNPC)授予了大约5700公里天然气管道一期合同。 Penspen在一份声明中表示,该奖项是Penspen在2018年7月完成的可行性研究的跟进。 报告指出,第一阶段包括对可行性研究结果的详细审查和对天然气供需研究的深入评估。 Penspen的声明中表明阿联酋建设集团Dar Al Handasah与非洲工程公司将携手Crestech和英国风险和战略咨询公司Control Risk进行一些特殊的研究所需的服务、环境影响评估、尼日利亚天然气供应和风险研究所需的一系列专项研究等。 此外,除了进行环境和社会影响评估(ESIA)之外,还将进行管道系统的进一步设计以及以优化拟议的管道路线和项目的经济效益。 吴慧丹 摘译自 TradeArabia 原文如下: Penspen wins Feed contract for Morocco pipeline project Penspen, a leading global provider of engineering and project management services to the energy industry, has announced that it has been awarded a contract to execute Phase One of the Feed (front-end engineering and design) contract of the proposed gas pipeline between Nigeria and Morocco. The contract for First Phase of the Feed of approximately 5,700 km gas pipeline was awarded by The Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM) and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). The award is a follow-up on the feasibility study completed by Penspen in July 2018, said a statement from Penspen. The Feed Phase I consists of a detailed review of the feasibility study results and in-depth evaluation of the gas demand and supply study, it stated. Leading UAE construction group Dar Al Handasah will join hands with African engineering firm Crestech and UK-based risk and strategic consulting firm Control Risk to conduct a number of special studies required for the Feed services, environmental impact assessment, Nigeria gas supply study and risk study respectively, said the statement from Penspen. Further design of the pipeline system, in addition to the execution of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), will then be carried out with the aim of optimising the proposed pipeline route and project economics, it stated.