中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯悉尼1月8日消息 澳大利亚位于昆士兰州Gladstone的三家东海岸LNG出口工厂在2018年共出口了创纪录的2058万吨液化天然气,较2017年的2021万吨增长了2%,主要原因是对日本和韩国出口量的下降完全被需求大国的增长所抵消。
格拉德斯通港口公司(Gladstone Ports Corporation)周二公布的数据显示,对该国的出口同比增长23%,从1159万吨增至1425万吨,对韩国和日本的出口同比分别下降18%和40%。
亚洲LNG分析师Jeff Moore表示:“需求大国的天然气需求将继续攀升,但其他供应来源,如国内生产和俄罗斯的管道进口将有助于承担负荷。但是我们仍预计在未来几年,该国液化天然气进口将继续占全球需求增长的重要部分。”
Gladstone有三个液化天然气出口设施,即Origin-ConocoPhillips Australia Pacific LNG、桑托斯领导的Gladstone LNG和壳牌的Queensland Curtis LNG。
吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯
Australia’s east coast ships record LNG volume in 2018
Australia’s three east coast LNG export plants in Gladstone, Queensland, together shipped a record 20.58 million mt of the fuel in 2018, up 2% from 20.21 million mt in 2017, as falling export volumes to Japan and South Korea were more than offset by growing appetite from a certain country(editted).
Exports to this certain country(editted) surged 23% year on year from 11.59 million mt to 14.25 million mt, while year-on-year exports to South Korea and Japan were down 18% and 40%, respectively, according to data released by the Gladstone Ports Corporation Tuesday.
“Natural gas demand of this certain country(editted) will continue to climb, but other sources of supply such as domestic production and pipeline imports from Russia will help shoulder the load. However, we still expect LNG imports to continue to represent a significant portion of the global demand growth in the next several years,” said Jeff Moore, Manager, Asian LNG Analytics.
Among other countries, Malaysia imported 876,663 mt of LNG from Gladstone in 2018, up 26%, while Singapore bought 467,134 mt, down 20% from a year ago.
For the month of December, Gladstone shipped 1.77 million mt of LNG, down 11% year on year and 8% month on month.
There are three LNG export facilities in Gladstone: the Origin-ConocoPhillips Australia Pacific LNG, the Santos-led Gladstone LNG and Shell’s Queensland Curtis LNG.