中国石化新闻网讯 据油气新闻1月7日新加坡报道,分析师表示,由于全球(尤其是亚洲大国)需求强劲,预计2019年LNG产量将创下纪录。 全球天然气和液化天然气研究主管Wood Mackenzie表示,今年将对每年超过6000万吨的LNG产能做出最终投资决定,远高于2005年约4500万吨的历史记录,是去年2100万吨的三倍。 根据Refinitiv’s Eikon的航运数据,新产能将使天然气管道在未来几年内大量投产,。加上2018年全球LNG出货量将超过3.2亿吨。 “如果你看到了LNG的潜在需求,你就会看到目前的成本……这激励公司推动项目向前发展,也激励买家前来支持其中一些项目。” Farrer说。 Woodmac在给客户的报告中称,今年的领跑项目包括俄罗斯诺瓦泰克公司价值270亿美元的Arctic LNG 2项目,该项目在莫桑比克至少有一个,在美国有三个。 孔丽炜 摘译自油气新闻 原文如下: Record LNG capacity to get green light in 2019 amid strong demand A record amount of liquefied natural gas (LNG) production is expected to get the green light in 2019 amid strong global demand, especially from certain countries in Asia, analysts said. A final investment decision (FID) could be taken on more than 60 million tonnes per annum of LNG capacity this year, well above the previous record of about 45 million tonnes in 2005 and triple last year’s 21 million tonnes, Wood Mackenzie’s research director for global gas and LNG, Giles Farrer, said. The new capacity would bulk out the pipeline of gas set to come on stream in coming years, adding to the more than 320 million tonnes of LNG shipped globally in 2018, according to shipping data in Refinitiv’s Eikon. “If you have seen the potential demand for LNG, you have seen costs where they are now… that is motivating companies to push projects forward and motivating buyers to come forward to support some of these projects,” Farrer said. Frontrunners this year include the $27 billion Arctic LNG 2 project by Russia’s Novatek, at least one project in Mozambique and three in the United States, Woodmac said in a report to its clients.