

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU雅典1月4日消息,希腊接收了美国第一批液化天然气。 2018年12月30日,希腊Tsakos公司的新建成的Maria Energy天然气运输船向Revetus的LNG终端(Revithoussa)交付了一批液化天然气。 该批量的液化天然气为 16.8万立方米的(1772400 MW)。液化天然气被注入液化天然气终端的储罐,包括2018年11月投产的第三个储罐,总容量为9.5万立方米。 此次交付是根据希腊DEPA和美国切尼尔能源公司之间的现货合同进行的。液化天然气是在2018年11月于德克萨斯州建成的新的科珀斯克里斯蒂液化天然气工厂生产的。 位于雅典西部Megara湾的 Revetus岛上的液化天然气终端(Revithoussa)是希腊唯一活跃的液化天然气终端。该终端建于1999年,由DEPA的子公司DESFA运营。该终端的液化天然气主要供应商是阿尔及利亚的Sonatrach,该公司与Sonatrach签订了一份合同,从每年5.1亿至2021年6.8亿立方米的供应量。目前,DESFA正在实施Revithoussa 液化天然气终端的二期现代化改造。 希腊将位于希腊东北部亚历山德鲁城的液化天然气接收终端Revithoussa以及计划中的浮动液化天然气接收站(FSRU)视为本国的优先能源项目。这将加强天然气供应来源多样化的路线,这对欧盟非常重要。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Greece received the 1st batch of LNG from the USA Athens, Neftegaz.RU. Greece accepted the 1st batch of liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) from the USA. A batch of liquefied gas was delivered to the Revetus’s LNG terminal (Revithoussa) on December 30, 2018 by the newly built gas carrier Maria Energy of the Greek company Tsakos. The lot volume amounted to 168 thousand m 3 of LNG (1,772,400 MW). LNG was pumped into the tanks of the LNG terminal, incl. in the 3rd , commissioned in November 2018, a reservoir with a capacity of 95 thousand m 3 . The delivery was made under a spot contract between the Greek DEPA and the American Cheniere Energy . LNG was produced at the new Corpus Christi LNG plant in pcs. Texas, launched in November 2018 The LNG terminal on Revetus Island ( Revithoussa) in Megara Bay, west of Athens, is the only active LNG terminal in Greece.The terminal was built in 1999, operated by DESFA, the subsidiary of DEPA.The main supplier of LNG to the terminal is the Algerian Sonatrach, with which there is a contract for the supply from 0.51 to 0.68 billion m 3 / year to 2021.At present, DESFA is implementing the second stage of the modernization of the Revithoussa LNG terminal. Greece considers the LNG terminal Revithoussa, as well as the planned floating LNG terminal ( FSRU ) in Alexandroupolis in the north-east of Greece as priority energy projects for itself. This will strengthen the line for diversifying gas supply sources that is so important for the European Union.  
