

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气1月4日报道称,法国敦刻尔克液化天然气(LNG)进口码头已收到了2019年的首批冷冻燃料。 据码头运营商敦刻尔克液化天然气公司(Dunkerque LNG)表示,该货物于周三在Sovconflot的170,200立方米液化天然气运输船SCF Melampus上交付给敦刻尔克工厂。 VesselsValue提供的AIS数据显示,这艘LNG运输船之前曾在挪威北部Honningsvag附近进行过船对船操作运送了一批液化天然气。 值得一提的是,去年11月,俄罗斯诺瓦泰克公司完成了在霍宁斯沃格港附近地区的首次船对船液化天然气转运。 Arc7冰级LNG油轮Vladimir Rusanov将从Sabetta的亚马尔液化天然气设施重新装载液化天然气货物交付给下层冰级指定油轮Pskov,Pskov随后将重新装载的货物交付给西北欧的客户。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: France’s Dunkirk LNG gets first 2019 cargo France’s Dunkirk liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal has received its first cargo of the chilled fuel for the year of 2019. The cargo was delivered to the Dunkirk facility on Wednesday onboard Sovconflot’s 170,200-cbm LNG carrier SCF Melampus, according to Dunkerque LNG, the terminal operator. AIS data provided by VesselsValue shows that the LNG carrier had previously taken a cargo of LNG via a ship-to-ship operation off Honningsvag in northern Norway. To remind, Russia’s Novatek completed the first ship-to-ship LNG transshipment in the area near the port of Honningsvag in November last year. The Arc7 ice-class LNG tanker Vladimir Rusanov reloaded an LNG cargo delivered from the Yamal LNG facility at Sabetta to the lower ice-class designated tanker Pskov, which then delivered the reloaded cargo to customers in North-West Europe.  
