
Bulutlu Marine为土耳其市场提供WinGD LNG发动机

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气1月2日消息,土耳其技术服务咨询公司Bulutlu Marine表示,该公司已被选为WinGD在土耳其销售液化天然气机械的代表。 根据该公司的声明,该合同最终由总部位于瑞士的温特图尔燃气与柴油公司(WinGD)敲定,生产二冲程柴油和液化天然气机械。 WinGD被订购、在建或运行中的X.DF液化天然气发动机,共有150多台。 该公司正致力于推动液化天然气作为海上运输燃料的应用,最近还加入了液化天然气海洋燃料研究所。 陈菲 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Bulutlu Marine to provide WinGD LNG engines to Turkish market Turkish technical services consultancy Bulutlu Marine said it has been selected as the WinGD representative for the sale of LNG-fueled machinery in the country. According to the company’s statement, the contract was finalized with the Switzerland-based Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD), for its two-stroke diesel and LNG-fueled machinery. WinGD has over 150 of its X.DF LNG engines on order, under construction or in operation. The company is focusing on boosting the adoption of LNG as fuel for marine transport and has also recently joined the LNG Marine Fuel Institute.  
