中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油1月1日消息 EIA预计,到2019年底,美国液化天然气(LNG)出口能力将达到89亿立方英尺/日,成为世界第三大液化天然气出口国,仅次于澳大利亚和卡塔尔。目前,美国液化天然气出口能力为36亿立方英尺/日,随着两个新的液化装置(生产线)投入使用,预计今年年底将达到49亿立方英尺/日。 2016年2月,美国开始从48个较低的州出口液化天然气,当时路易斯安那州的Sabine Pass液化终端装运了第一批货物。此后,Sabine Pass从一条生产线扩展到四条,Cove Point液化天然气出口厂开始在马里兰州运营。另外两条线:Sabine Pass 5号线和Corpus Christi 1号线今年开始液化天然气的生产,比计划提前了几个月,预计将在未来几周内装运第一批货物。 路易斯安那州的Cameron液化天然气出口设施和德克萨斯州的 Freeport液化天然气出口设施目前正在调试中。液化设施的调试包括将天然气原料引入生产线,最终生产液化天然气。对于使用制冷将天然气冷却成液态的液化终端,调试还包括将设备和制冷剂降至足够低的温度。这些设施的首次液化天然气生产预计在2019年上半年完成。这些项目的开发商预计,Cameron液化天然气公司的三条线和Freeport液化天然气公司的两条线将于2019年投入使用。 位于佐治亚州萨凡纳附近的Elba Island 液化天然气工厂也计划在2019年底全面投入运营。Elba Island 液化天然气由10个组合容量为3.3亿立方英尺/日的小型模块化液化装置组成。项目开发商预计,第一条液化天然气生产线将于明年年初开始,其余九条液化天然气生产线将于2019年年底陆续开始。Corpus Christi 液化天然气公司的第二条线计划于2019年第二季度投入使用。目前正在建设的美国液化项目的最后两条Freeport 3号线和Corpus Christi 3号线分别预计在2020年和2021年第二季度投入使用。 另外四个出口终端Magnolia液化天然气、Delfin液化天然气、Lake Charles、Golden Pass和Sabine Pass 6号线已获得美国联邦监管委员会和美国能源部的批准,预计将在未来几个月做出最终投资决定。这些拟议项目的联合额外液化天然气出口能力为76亿立方英尺/日。 王磊 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: EIA projects that U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export capacity will reach 8.9 Bcfd by the end of 2019, making it the third-largest in the world behind Australia and Qatar. Currently, U.S. LNG export capacity stands at 3.6 Bcfd, and it is expected to end the year at 4.9 Bcfd as two new liquefaction units (called trains) become operational. The United States began exporting LNG from the Lower 48 states in February 2016, when the Sabine Pass liquefaction terminal in Louisiana shipped its first cargo. Since then, Sabine Pass expanded from one to four operating liquefaction trains, and the Cove Point LNG export facility began operation in Maryland. Two more trains—Sabine Pass Train 5 and Corpus Christi LNG Train 1—began LNG production this year, several months ahead of schedule, and are expected to ship their first cargos within the next few weeks. Two more LNG export facilities—Cameron LNG in Louisiana and Freeport LNG in Texas—are currently being commissioned. Commissioning of liquefaction facilities involves introducing natural gas feed into the train and ultimately producing LNG. For liquefaction terminals, which use refrigeration to cool natural gas into liquid form, commissioning also includes getting the equipment and refrigerants down to sufficiently cold temperatures. The first LNG production from these facilities is expected in the first half of 2019. The developers of these projects expect all three trains at Cameron LNG and two trains at Freeport LNG to be placed in service in 2019. The Elba Island LNG facility near Savannah, Georgia, is also scheduled to become fully operational by the end of 2019. Elba Island LNG consists of 10 small modular liquefaction units with a combined capacity of 0.33 Bcfd. Project developers expect LNG production from the first train to begin early next year and from the remaining nine trains to commence sequentially through the rest of 2019. The second train at Corpus Christi LNG is scheduled to be placed in service in the second quarter of 2019. The final two trains of the U.S. liquefaction projects currently under construction—Freeport Train 3 and Corpus Christi Train 3—are expected in service in the second quarters of 2020 and 2021, respectively. Four additional export terminals—Magnolia LNG, Delfin LNG, Lake Charles, Golden Pass—and the sixth train at Sabine Pass have been approved by both the U.S. Federal Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy, and they are expected to make final investment decisions in the coming months. These proposed projects represent a combined additional LNG export capacity of 7.6 Bcfd.