

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年1月2日伦敦报道,标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯的统计数据显示,俄罗斯去年向德国和斯洛伐克两国出口的天然气总量同比增加了2%,而去年最后一个月的出口量达到了一个自然月的第二高水平。 普氏统计数据显示,俄罗斯去年通过北溪管道、亚马尔管道和Brotherhood管道向德斯两国出口的天然气总量达到了1325亿立方米,同比增加了2%,比2016年增加了12%。 去年12月,通过这三条管道出口德斯两国的天然气总量为118.9亿立方米,仅次于去年4月的120亿立方米,其中亚马尔管道创下历史新高,而Brotherhood管道达到了5个月来的新高。 去年最后一个月,亚马尔管道向德斯两国出口的天然气总量为28.4亿立方米,创下历月最高纪录,而Brotherhood管道为41.2亿立方米,为自7月以来的最高水平,北溪管道为49.2亿立方米。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Russian natural gas flows to Germany, Slovakia up 2% on year in 2018 at 132.5 Bcm Flows of natural gas from Russia into Germany and Slovakia combined rose by 2% on an annual basis during 2018, after flows during the final month last year came in at their second highest level for a calendar month, data from S&P Global Platts Analytics showed. Total Russian gas flows through the Nord Stream, Yamal, and Brotherhood pipelines stood at 132.5 Bcm for 2018, up 2% on an annual basis and a solid 12% higher than in 2016, the data showed. Flows through these three transit routes stood at 11.89 Bcm during December 2018, beaten only by the 12 Bcm during April last year, as Yamal flows hit a record high and Brotherhood flows reaching a five-month high. Yamal flows stood at 2.84 Bcm during the final month of last year, the highest recorded for a calendar month, with Brotherhood flows at 4.12 Bcm — their highest since July — and Nord Stream flows at 4.92 Bcm.  
