

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯新加坡1月2日消息,本周一,沙特阿美将2019年1月丙烷的合约价格定为每吨430美元,比12月的合约价下降了每吨15美元,其丁烷1月合约价格为每吨420美元,比12月的合约价格上涨了每吨5美元。 12月丙烷的合约价格处于交易者预期的中间区间,而丁烷的合约价格比预期的要低。 上个星期五,1月份丙烷掉期合约价收于每吨427美元,亚洲丁烷被评估为每吨421.5美元。而在整个12月,1月份丙烷掉期合约价为平均每吨432美元。 1月份掉期合约交易在12月10日曾高达每吨458美元,到12月21日又跌至每吨407美元,但在本月末又反弹至每吨427美元。 标普全球普氏早些时候报道称,科威特石油公司以沙特合约价每吨10美元左右的溢价,通过招标将4.4万吨液化石油气货物,于1月28日至1月29日,在科威特艾哈迈迪港科,按照船上交货价格,平均分装至亚洲一家贸易公司。 沙特阿美根据定期供应合同规定从沙特的Yanbu、Ras Tanura和Ju’aymah港口提取石油气的价格,市场对此密切关注,因为他们为苏伊士以东的大多数市场设定了液化石油气的定价基准。 詹晓晶摘自普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco sets Jan propane CP at $430/mt, down $15/m from Dec Saudi Aramco has set its January 2019 Contract Price for propane at $430/mt, down $15/mt from the December CP, and its butane CP at $420/mt, up $5/mt from the December CP, the company said Monday. The December propane CP is within the middle range of traders’ expectations, while the butane CP is lower than expected. Front-month January propane CP swaps closed at $427/mt and butane was assessed at $421.50/mt in Asia last Friday. Front-month January propane CP swaps averaged $432/mt for the whole month in December. January CP swaps stood as high as $458/mt on December 10 then fell as low as $407/mt by December 21, only to rebound to end the month at $427/mt. Reflecting market sentiment, Kuwait Petroleum Corp. sold a 44,000 mt evenly split LPG cargo via tender for January 28-29 loading, FOB Mina al Ahmadi, to an Asian trading firm at a premium of around $10/mt to Saudi contract prices, S&P Global Platts reported earlier. Aramco’s CPs, which set the price of LPG lifted from the Saudi ports of Yanbu, Ras Tanura and Ju’aymah under term supply contracts, are closely watched by the market as they tend to set a base level for LPG pricing for most markets East of Suez. ​
