

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社孟买报道,印度政府的一份通知称,政府在供应商提出要求后,印度已经削减了对东南亚国家原油和精炼棕榈油的进口税。 这一减少将导致全球最大的食用油买家在未来几个月内增加棕榈油进口, 因为这将缩小热带植物油与大豆油、向日葵油等竞争对手之间的差距。 根据周一晚些时候发布的通知,棕榈油税从44%降至40%,而成品油税从54%降至50%,削减在星期二生效。 马来西亚政府在另一份通知中表示,马来西亚的精炼棕榈油将以45%的税率征税,而此前的税率为54%。 而在2018年3月,印度将棕榈油进口税从30%提高到44%,并将精制棕榈油税从40% 提高到54%。 总部位于孟买的植物油进口商Sunvin Group首席执行长Sandeep Bajoria表示,由于关税下调, 棕榈油的竞争力越来越强, 这将导致从今年1月起进口增加。 印度主要从印度尼西亚和马来西亚进口棕榈油,从阿根廷和巴西进口大豆,该国还从乌克兰购买少量葵花籽油,从加拿大购买菜籽油。 根据总部位于孟买的贸易机构溶剂开采者协会(SEA)的数据,在截至去年10月的2017至2018销售年度,该国棕榈油进口量比去年同期下降了6.4%,降至870万吨。 由于产量增加,印尼和马来西亚这两个最大的棕榈油生产国库存也都在增加, 它们都在寻求印度能减少棕榈油的进口税。 SEA执行董事B.V. Mehta表示,去年12月,印度的棕榈油进口量可能有所下降,但由于一些进口商因预计减税而推迟了出货量, 因此本月进口量将大幅增长。 Mehta表示,来自马来西亚的原油和精制棕榈油之间的有效关税差额已经从11%缩小到5.5%,这可能导致进口更多的精制棕榈油。 一家全球贸易公司驻孟买的经销商表示:“传统上,印尼占据了印度大部分棕榈油市场,但现在的减税政策将使马来西亚能够提高其份额。” 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: India cuts tax on palm oil imports; Malaysia to gain most India has cut import taxes on crude and refined palm oil from Southeast Asian (ASEAN) countries after a request from suppliers, a government notification said. The reduction will lead to higher imports of palm oil by the world’s biggest edible oil buyer in coming months as it would narrow the difference between the tropical vegetable oil and competitors such as soyoil and sunflower oil. The duty on crude palm oil was lowered to 40 percent from 44 percent, while a tax on the refined variety was cut to 50 percent from 54 percent, according to the notification issued late on Monday. The cuts took effect on Tuesday. Malaysian shipments of refined palm oil will be taxed at 45 percent compared with 54 percent earlier, the government said in a separate notice. In March 2018, India raised the import tax on crude palm oil to 44 percent from 30 percent and lifted the tax on refined palm oil to 54 percent from 40 percent. Palm oil has being more competitive due to the duty reduction and this will lead to higher imports from January onwards, said Sandeep Bajoria, chief executive of the Sunvin Group, a Mumbai-based vegetable oil importer. India primarily imports palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia and soyoil from Argentina and Brazil. It also buys small volumes of sunflower oil from Ukraine and canola oil from Canada. Its palm oil imports dropped 6.4 percent from a year ago to 8.7 million tonnes in the 2017/18 marketing year ended in October, according to Solvent Extractors’ Association (SEA), a Mumbai-based trade body. Indonesia and Malaysia, the top two palm oil producers, were seeking a reduction in the import tax by New Delhi as inventories were rising in both countries due to higher output. India’s palm oil imports could have fallen in December but will jump this month as some importers had delayed shipments in anticipation of tax cuts, said B.V. Mehta, executive director of the SEA. The effective duty difference between crude and refined palm oil has narrowed to 5.5 percent from 11 percent for shipments from Malaysia, which could lead to higher imports of refined palm oil, Mehta said. “Traditionally, Indonesia corners the bulk of India’s palm oil market. The duty reduction will now allow Malaysia to raise its share,” said a Mumbai-based dealer with a global trading firm. ​  
