Ksomos energy今日宣布在塞内加尔海岸的Teranga-1号钻井平台发现大量天然气资源。
Teranga-1号位于cayar海岸 Prodond 区块,Dakar以北65公里,水深1800米,该井目前井深4485米。钻探过程中,在lower cenomanian区域发现约31米厚的纯气储层,且气藏质量较高。井测结果证实,该地区丰富的天然气资源全长200公里,从毛里塔尼亚的marsouin一号井延伸至塞内加尔地区的teranga一号井。在该区域连续5次勘探钻井,成功率高达100%。目前,该公司已经成功勘探约25Tcf的天然气储量,同时预计该地区拥有50Tcf的潜在可开采资源。
来自/OilVoice 5月9日消息 编译/张弘引
Kosmos Energy (NYSE: KOS) announced today that its Teranga-1 exploration well offshore Senegal has made a significant gas discovery.
Located in the Cayar Offshore Profond block approximately 65 kilometers northwest of Dakar in nearly 1,800 meters of water, the Teranga-1 well was drilled to a total depth of 4,485 meters. The well encountered 31 meters (102 feet) of net gas pay in good quality reservoir in the Lower Cenomanian objective. Well results confirm that a prolific inboard gas fairway extends approximately 200 kilometers from the Marsouin-1 well in Mauritania through the Greater Tortue area on the maritime boundary to the Teranga-1 well in Senegal. Kosmos has now drilled five consecutive successful exploration and appraisal wells in this fairway with a 100 percent success rate. In the process, the company has discovered a gross Pmean resource of approximately 25 Tcf and estimates the fairway may hold more than 50 Tcf of resource potential.
Andrew G. Inglis, chairman and chief executive officer, said: ‘Our continuing exploration success demonstrates we have opened a super-major scale basin offshore Mauritania and Senegal with world-class resource potential. Given the scale and quality of the gas resource discovered along the inboard trend, our focus is to move this resource through to development. Our forward exploration plan is to mature the two independent tests with oil potential in northern Mauritania and in the outboard of Mauritania and Senegal for drilling in 2017.’
- 张弘引
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