

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价12月24日报道,2018年11月,中国液化天然气(LNG)进口量较去年同期增长48.5%,原因是中国部分地区从煤炭转向天然气取暖。 据路透社报道,中国海关总署的数据显示,中国上个月的液化天然气进口量达到599万吨,打破了2018年1月之前供暖季节518万吨的纪录。 海关数据显示,今年前11个月,中国LNG进口量同比增长43.6%,达到4752万吨,轻松打破2017年全年3813万吨的进口纪录。 这个冬季,中国决心避免再一次严重的天然气供应短缺。与过去冬季相比,他们处理供应的方式要好得多——国内天然气产量正在上升,国家正在推进天然气管道基础设施和连通性,考虑到需求预期,煤制气转换更为慎重和温和。 中国天然气进口正在飙升,但为应对今年冬天的需求,中国提前开始采购,以避免最后一刻的抢购潮,以及2017-2018年冬季的重演。 今年,天气也对中国政府有利。从供暖季节开始到12月中旬的一个月前,天气较为温和,这导致人们预计,中国在12月至2月期间不会再出现供应短缺。 过去一周,亚洲2月份的液化天然气价格较前一周略有上涨,这是因为越来越多的LNG船舶可供使用,加之亚洲部分地区冬季气温略有下降,运费降低。据接受路透社采访的交易员表示,亚洲整体需求依然低迷,价格上涨将是短暂的。如果亚洲的天气转冷至少3周,则亚洲LNG的价格将会持续上涨。 孔丽炜 摘译自今日油价 原文如下: China’s LNG Imports Jump To Record High In November Chinese liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports soared by 48.5 percent in November 2018, compared to the same month last year, as China continues to have parts of the country switch to natural gas from coal for heating. China’s LNG imports last month reached 5.99 million tons, beating the previous record of 5.18 million tons from January 2018 in the previous heating season, according to data from China’s General Administration of Customs, as carried by Reuters. LNG imports into China in the first eleven months of this year jumped by 43.6 percent compared to January-November 2017, to 47.52 million tons and on course to easily beat the full-year LNG import record of 38.13 million tons from 2017, according to the customs data. This winter season, Chinese authorities are determined to avoid another severe natural gas supply shortage. And they are handling supplies much better than past winter—domestic natural gas production is rising, state energy giants are boosting gas pipeline infrastructure and connectivity, and the coal-to-gas switch is more measured and moderate, taking into account expectations of demand. Chinese natural gas imports are soaring, but procurement for this winter’s demand started early to avoid a last-minute rush and a repeat of the 2017-2018 winter. This year, weather is also in favor of Chinese authorities. Milder weather a month into the heating season through mid-December has led to expectations that China won’t see another supply crunch between December and February. Over the past week, LNG prices for February delivery in Asia rose slightly compared to the previous week, due to lower shipping rates as more LNG ships have become available and thanks to a slight drop in winter temperatures in some parts of Asia. According to traders who spoke to Reuters, Asian demand as a whole remains subdued, and price rises would be short-lived. A sustainable increase in Asian LNG prices would come if the weather in Asia turns cold for at least three weeks.  
