中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网12月25日消息 总部设在欧弗兰帕克的EPCC专家博莱克威奇(Black & Veatch)收到了一项通知,继续推进BP领导的西非毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上的Tortue Ahmeyim LNG项目的浮式液化天然气(FLNG)转换工作。 该公司在声明中表示,将开始着手联合戈拉尔液化天然气旗下的吉米液化天然气船以及其液化技术。 这艘船的转型将在新加坡吉宝船厂(Singapore’s Keppel Shipyard)交付FLNG Hilli Episeyo号的基础上在吉宝造船厂进行,采用的是博莱克威奇的PRICO技术。 FLNG船将为位于西非毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上的Tortue Ahmeyim油田第一阶段的开发提供支持。 上周早些时候,BP及其合作伙伴就西非毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上的Tortue Ahmeyim LNG项目第一阶段达成了最终投资决定。 Tortue Ahmeyim LNG项目将从超深水海底系统和中层海水浮式生产储油船(FPSO)产生气体,FPSO船将处理气体,去除较重的烃类成分。然后,这些气体将被转移到位于西非毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上近岸中心处的浮动液化天然气(FLNG)设施。 FLNG设施被设计为平均每年能提供约250万吨LNG,估计该领域的天然气资源总量约为15万亿立方英尺。 项目执行活动预计在2019年第一季度开始,第一批天然气预计在2022年。 BP被选为投资者合作伙伴在Tortue第一阶段LNG销售的唯一买家。 王磊 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Overland Park-headquartered EPCC specialist Black & Veatch has been given a notice to proceed with work on the FLNG conversion for the BP-led Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project off Mauritania and Senegal. In its statement, the company said it will start work on jointly outfitting a Golar LNG-owned liquefied natural gas carrier, Gimi, with its liquefaction technology. The vessel conversion would take place at Singapore’s Keppel Shipyard building on Keppel’s delivery of the FLNG Hilli Episeyo, utilizing Black and Veatch’s PRICO technology. The FLNG vessel would support the development of Phase 1 of the Greater Tortue / Ahmeyim field, located offshore Mauritania and Senegal. Earlier last week, BP and its partners reached a final investment decision for Phase 1 of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project off Mauritania and Senegal. The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project will produce gas from an ultra-deepwater subsea system and mid-water floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, which will process the gas, removing heavier hydrocarbon components. The gas will then be transferred to a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility at a nearshore hub located on the Mauritania and Senegal maritime border. The FLNG facility is designed to provide circa 2.5 million tonnes of LNG per annum on average, with the total gas resources in the field estimated to be around 15 trillion cubic feet. Project execution activities are expected to commence in the first quarter of 2019, with first gas expected in 2022. BP Gas Marketing has been selected as the sole buyer for the investor partners’ LNG offtake for Tortue Phase 1.