

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月21日墨西哥城报道,墨西哥新左派总统承诺明年用更大的预算重振国有石油公司Pemex的命运,但他同时提议这家石油巨头支付更多的税收。
总统Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador在7月份当选时曾发誓要将Pemex从多年的衰退中拯救出来,他提议从2018年起将公司的自由支配预算增加14%,达到234亿美元(4646亿比索)。
该预算蓝图还预计将征收近40亿美元(790亿比索)的额外汽油税,目但前尚不清楚这些税收中是否有任何一项可能被给予Pemex。 詹晓晶摘自路透社
原文如下: CORRECTION-Mexico’s Pemex to pay more taxes despite pledge to boost company Mexico’s new leftist president has pledged to revive the fortunes of state oil company Pemex with a bigger budget next year – while proposing the oil giant pay even more in taxes. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who won office in July vowing to rescue Pemex from years of decline, has proposed increasing the firm’s discretionary budget by 14 percent from 2018 to some $23.4 billion (464.6 billion pesos). But the same budget proposal estimates total tax revenue from Pemex at about $26.4 billion (524.3 billion pesos), up about 11 percent. The finance ministry did not reply to requests for comment. The budget blueprint also anticipates collecting nearly $4 billion (79 billion pesos) in additional gasoline taxes, but it is unclear if any of that revenue might be given to Pemex. ​
