中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油12月23日迪拜报道,欧佩克还没有开始实施新的六个月的减产协议,而负责大部分减产的成员国已经承诺延长甚至深化减产。 来自伊拉克、科威特和阿拉伯联合酋长国的官员同意沙特阿拉伯的预期,即该组织与俄罗斯和其他石油生产国一起,将把协议再延长六个月。阿联酋能源部长强调,每日120万桶的减产将在上半年清理库存,但暗示可能讨论进一步的限制措施。 上周,油价创下了自2016年以来的最大单周跌幅,原因是人们担心经济增长放缓和美国供应激增将导致明年出现供应过剩,从而压倒了欧佩克稳定市场的努力。尽管欧佩克及其合作伙伴在12月7日宣布的减产规模令交易员感到意外,但油价仍在继续下跌。 上周纽约期货价格下跌11%,为2016年1月以来最大跌幅。基准布伦特原油价格跌破54美元/桶,为2017年9月以来的最低水平。 在科威特、伊拉克、阿联酋和阿尔及利亚能源部长举行的新闻发布会上,他们轮流重申欧佩克将实施每日80万桶的减产,并继续与其他产油国合作,以平衡供需。 伊拉克石油部长Thamir Ghadhban说,伊拉克成为欧佩克+监督委员会的新成员,“表明我们认真履行我们的承诺,这些承诺将超过我们过去遵守的承诺。” Al Mazrouei说,由于一些成员国计划的维护和生产障碍,欧佩克的减产可能会比协议的要多。冲突、制裁和油田老化是近年来拖累利比亚、尼日利亚、伊朗和委内瑞拉石油产出的因素。 沙特阿拉伯自愿带头削减产量,削减幅度超过其同意的幅度。作为全球最大的石油出口国,中国计划在明年1月实现每日1020万桶的石油产量,而不是欧佩克+协议中规定的每日1030万桶。 孔丽炜 摘译自世界石油 原文如下: OPEC is in ‘whatever it takes’ moment to prop up oil prices OPEC hasn’t even started implementing its new six-month agreement to cut output, and already members responsible for most of the reductions have pledged to extend or even deepen it. Officials from Iraq, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates agreed with Saudi Arabia’s expectation that the group, along with Russia and other oil producers, will extend the agreement for another six months. The U.A.E.’s energy minister, while stressing that the 1.2-MMbpd cut will clear an inventory buildup in the first half, hinted additional curbs could be discussed. Last week, oil capped its biggest weekly decline since 2016 on concerns that weakening economic growth and surging U.S. supply will lead to a surplus next year, overwhelming OPEC’s efforts to stabilize the market. The slide continued even after the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its partners surprised traders with the size of the supply reduction announced on Dec. 7. Futures sank 11% last week in New York, the most since January 2016. The benchmark Brent crude traded below $54/bbl, the lowest since September 2017. At a press briefing in Kuwait, Iraqi, the U.A.E. and Algerian energy ministers took turns repeating the message that OPEC will deliver its 800,000 bpd cut and continue their cooperation with other producers to balance supply and demand. Iraq’s oil minister Thamir Ghadhban said his country’s new membership into the OPEC+ monitoring committee “indicates that we are serious about meeting our commitments that will exceed what we’ve complied with in the past.” OPEC cuts may end up being deeper than agreed because of planned maintenance and production snags in some member countries, Al Mazrouei said. Conflict, sanctions and aging oil fields have been factors that dragged on output in Libya, Nigeria, Iran and Venezuela in recent years. Saudi Arabia has volunteered to take the lead in trimming production by more than it has agreed. The world’s biggest oil exporter plans to pump 10.2 MMbpd in January rather than the 10.3 MMbpd allotted to it in the OPEC+ agreement.