

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月18日休斯敦报道,根据一项为期20年的协议,马来西亚国家石油公司(马国油/Petronas)将从钱尼尔能源公司购买液化天然气(LNG),这项长达20年的协议将支持在钱尼尔能源公司位于路易斯安那州的萨宾帕斯终端建造第6条液化生产线。 从第6条生产线首次商业交付之日起,大约110万吨/年LNG的长期承运协议将以离岸价装运。钱尼尔能源公司首席执行官福斯科10月份曾对标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯记者说,钱尼尔能源公司希望在明年年初之前就第6条生产线做出最终投资决定(FID)。 钱尼尔能源公司在一份声明中宣布了与马国油子公司签署的这项买卖协议,称这项协议预计将支持2019年达成FID的持续进展。LNG购买价格将与亨利中心每月的价格挂钩,外加一笔费用。 富国银行证券分析师迈克尔·韦伯在声明公布后致客户的报告中表示:“我们认为萨宾帕斯终端第6条生产线是有利可图的,真正的问题在于价格/合同结构如何以及何时。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Petronas LNG purchase deal with Cheniere to support sixth train at Sabine Pass Malaysia’s Petronas will buy LNG from Cheniere Energy under a 20-year agreement that will support building a sixth liquefaction train at the exporter’s Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana. The long-term offtake deal for approximately 1.1 million mt/year of LNG will be shipped on a free-on-board basis beginning following the date of first commercial delivery from Train 6. Cheniere CEO Jack Fusco told S&P Global Platts in October that the company hoped to make a final investment decision on the train by early next year. In a statement announcing the sale and purchase agreement with a unit of Petronas, Cheniere said the deal is expected to support the continued progress toward an FID in 2019. The purchase price for the LNG will be indexed to the monthly Henry Hub price, plus a fee. “We think SPL6 is money-good, and the real questions are really at what price/contract structure and when,” Wells Fargo Securities analyst Michael Webber said in a note to clients after the announcement.  
