

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月18日伦敦报道,欧盟统计局(Eurostat)公布的最新统计数据显示,今年1月至10月,欧洲苯出口量同比大幅下降了38.5%,下降到了8.2035万吨。 欧盟今年10月苯出口总量为零,而前一年为2.6566万吨,所有苯出口都是运往美国。
这是今年迄今第5个月对美国苯零出口,而去年全年才3个月对美苯零出口。 由于对二甲苯的有利定价和石脑油裂解的有利成本环境导致了作为副产品苯的产量水平较高,苯今年以来一直在与高库存作斗争。 今年1月至10月,欧洲的苯进口量同比增长了8%,达到了81.5148万吨。来自中东和印度的大量进口增加了欧洲苯市场的供应压力。 苯的5-30天远期价格最近一次评估为589美元/吨,低于1月2日的934.50美元/吨。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: EU benzene Jan-Oct exports down 38.5% on year at 82,035 mt: Eurostat European exports of benzene for January to October were down 38.5% compared with the same period last year to 82,035 mt, according to the latest data from Eurostat. Total exports recorded for October 2018 were zero, compared with 26,566 mt the year before — all of which was recorded heading to the US. This is the fifth month so far this year to register zero exports of benzene to the US, compared with three months in the whole of 2017. Benzene has struggled against high stocks this year, as favorable pricing for paraxylene and a positive cost environment for naphtha cracking has resulted in high levels of benzene production as a byproduct. Imports of European benzene in January to October were up by 8% on the year to 815,148 mt. High levels of imports from the Middle East and India have added to supply pressure on the benzene market. The 5-30 days forward price for benzene was last assessed at $589/mt on Monday, down from $934.50/mt on January 2.
