

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油米兰12月18日消息,在印尼Merakes开发项目获得印度尼西亚能源部长批准并获得公司董事会批准投资计划授权后,埃尼集团将开始执行该开发项目。 位于东加里曼丹库泰盆地的Merakes开发项目包括钻探和建造具有1500米水深的专用运输系统海底井,并与位于东北部35公里处的Jangkrik浮式生产单元相连。天然气生产将使用Jangkrik油田的所有其他现有设施以及东加里曼丹运输网络运往邦唐液化天然气工厂。这种新产品也将有助于延长工厂的使用寿命。 埃尼首席执行官Claudio Descalzi表示:“Merakes开发项目的批准是我们在东南亚战略的重要一步,该战略旨在通过有机增长来增加我们的业务和产量。为了做到这一点,我们将利用勘探,这将使我们能够首先增加我们的储量,然后通过优化现有设施并遵守最严格的上市时间来增加天然气产量。印尼国内市场正在大幅度扩大,我们将继续关注我们的活动,以便为我们的活动提供支助和稳定。” Merakes开发项目是埃尼近场勘探和评估战略的成功案例,它允许最大限度地发挥与现有附近基础设施的协同效应,例如2017年5月启动的Jangkrik油田,以及降低成本和该项目的上市时间。 这一发展也将加强埃尼在印度尼西亚深海气田方面的技术和运营领导地位。 埃尼通过其子公司Eni East Sepinggan Limited持有East Sepinggan Contract Area85%的参与权益,而PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan持有剩余的15%。 曹海斌 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: Eni approves the investment plan for Merakes development project in Indonesia Eni will start with the execution of the Merakes development project in Indonesia following the approval received by the Minister of Energy of Indonesia and the authorization for the investment plan sanctioned by the company’s board of directors. The Merakes development project, located in the Kutei Basin, offshore East Kalimantan, consists in the drilling and construction of subsea wells with a dedicated transportation system in 1,500 m water depth and connected to the Jangkrik Floating Production Unit (FPU), located 35 km North East. The gas production will be shipped to the Bontang LNG plant using also all the other existing facilities of Jangkrik field as well as the East Kalimantan transportation network. This new production will contribute also to the life extension of the plant. Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi said, “the Merakes Development Project approval is an important step for our strategy in South East Asia aimed at increasing both our presence and our production only through an organic growth. In order to do so, we will leverage on exploration, which will enable us to increase our reserves first, and then our gas production thanks to the optimization of existing facilities and complying with the strictest time-to-market. The Indonesian domestic market is in big expansion and we will continue to pay attention in order for our activities to support and valorize it”. The Merakes development project is a successful outcome of the Eni near field exploration and appraisal strategy, which allows to maximize the synergies with existing nearby infrastructures, such as those of Jangkrik field started up in May 2017, as well as to reduce the costs and the time-to-market of the project. This development will also strengthen Eni’s technological and operations leadership in the development of deep-water gas fields in Indonesia. Eni is the operator of East Sepinggan Contract Area through its subsidiary Eni East Sepinggan Limited which holds an 85% Participating Interest while PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan holds the remaining 15%.  
