

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月18日莫斯科、米兰报道,有消息人士对路透社表示,意大利石油和天然气服务公司Saipem计划本周与诺瓦泰克签署协议,为这家俄罗斯公司的“北极 LNG 2”项目建造海上平台。 诺瓦泰克的目标是生产与卡塔尔一样多的LNG,而卡塔尔是全球最大的LNG供应商之一,卡塔尔在11月出口了620万吨。诺瓦泰克已有一个终端正在运营,而位于喀拉海吉丹半岛上的北极LNG 2项目将是它第二个终端,第一个终端即为亚马尔LNG,于本月开始满负荷运转,每年可生产1650万吨LNG。 本周,诺瓦泰克发出招标书,要求为北极LNG 2项目建造一个海上平台,并招募人员。 据两位知情人士透露,Saipem和诺瓦泰克计划本周在意大利签署一项明确的协议,将在海床上建造重力结构平台,以支持LNG加工设备。 其中一位消息人士表示,意大利出口信贷机构SACE计划发放担保,以支持北极LNG 2项目的开发,Saipem和诺瓦泰克的交易估计价值约为25亿欧元(合29亿美元)。 2016年,SACE和法国出口信贷机构COFACE共同为意大利银行Intesa为亚马尔LNG发放的7.5亿欧元贷款提供了保险。 诺瓦泰克计划在2022年至2023年开始在北极LNG 2项目生产液化天然气,在满负荷的情况下,该项目每年的产量为1980万吨。北极LNG 2项目的成本估计为255亿美元,而亚马尔LNG的费用为270亿美元。 法国能源巨头道达尔已经同意购买该项目10%的股份,沙特阿美也是对少数股权感兴趣的公司之一。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Italy’s Saipem to sign deal this week for Russian LNG work – sources Italian energy contractor Saipem plans to sign a deal this week with Novatek to build offshore platforms for the Russian firm’s liquefied natural gas project, Arctic LNG 2, two sources close to talks told Reuters. Novatek aims to produce as much LNG as Qatar, one of the world’s top LNG suppliers that exported 6.2 million tonnes in November. Novatek has one plant in operation and Arctic LNG 2 on the Gydan Peninsula in the Kara Sea will be its second. The first plant, Yamal LNG, began running at its full capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of LNG a year this month. This week, Novatek issued tenders to build an airport for Arctic LNG 2 and to recruit its personnel. Two sources close to the talks said Saipem and Novatek planned to sign a firm deal in Italy this week for the construction of gravity-based structure (GBS) platforms that will stand on the seabed to support the LNG processing units. One of the sources said Italian export credit agency SACE planned to issue guarantees to support development of the Arctic LNG 2 project. The Saipem-Novatek deal had an estimated value of about 2.5 billion euros ($2.9 billion), the source said. In 2016, SACE and French export credit agency COFACE provided insurance cover for the 750 million euro loan issued by Italian bank Intesa for Yamal LNG. Novatek plans to start producing LNG at Arctic LNG 2 in 2022-2023, with production of 19.8 million tonnes a year when at full capacity. Arctic LNG 2 is estimated to cost $25.5 billion, compared with Yamal LNG’s $27 billion price tag. French energy major Total has already agreed to buy a 10 percent stake in the project. Saudi Aramco is also among those interested in a minority stake. ​
