中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社巴格达12月19日消息,伊拉克石油部周三表示,该国已与美国斯伦贝谢公司达成协议,将在巨型Majnoon油田钻探40口井。 伊拉克石油部长Thamir Ghadhban在一份声明中表示,与这家石油服务公司达成的协议旨在促进Majnoon的生产。 周三,管理Majnoon的巴士拉石油公司和两家国营的伊拉克公司石油勘探公司还签署了一项协议,在Majnoon进行地震勘探。 Ghadhban说:“石油勘探公司在Majnoon进行的三维地震调查将有助于获得准确的数据,提高油田的产量。” 6月,荷兰皇家壳牌公司撤出伊拉克南部的Majnoon,并将该油田的业务交给巴士拉石油公司。 声明说,Majnoon的原油产量超过24万桶/天。 伊拉克是OPEC的第二大产油国,仅次于沙特阿拉伯,产量约为460万桶/日,低于其产能,这与OPEC主导的旨在支撑油价的全球减产举措一致。 伊拉克大部分石油通过南部港口出口,这部分收入占国家收入的95%以上。 陈菲 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Iraq in deal with Schlumberger to drill 40 wells in Majnoon oilfield Iraq has agreed a deal with U.S. company Schlumberger Ltd to drill 40 wells in the giant Majnoon oilfield, the Oil Ministry said on Wednesday. Iraqi Oil Minister Thamir Ghadhban said in a statement that the agreement with the oil services firm was aimed at boosting production from Majnoon. A deal was also signed on Wednesday between Basra Oil Co, which manages Majnoon, and Oil Exploration Co, two state-run Iraqi firms, to conduct a seismic survey in Majnoon. “Carrying out a three-dimensional seismic survey by the Oil Exploration Company in Majnoon will help to obtain accurate data and boost production at the field,” Ghadhban said. In June, Royal Dutch Shell exited Majnoon in southern Iraq and handed the field’s operations to Basra Oil. Crude oil output from Majnoon is more than 240,000 barrels per day (bpd), the statement said. Iraq is the second-largest producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries after Saudi Arabia and pumps around 4.6 million bpd, below its capacity, in line with global, OPEC-led supply cuts aimed at supporting prices. The bulk of Iraq’s oil is exported via southern terminals, which account for more than 95 percent of the country’s state revenue.