

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月19日华盛顿报道,周三,波兰唯一的液化天然气(LNG)接收站运营商投标,要求承包商到2021年完成其50%的产能扩张。 “中欧和东欧对天然气的需求有所增加,这就是为什么我们认为需要扩展终端,“运营商Polskie LNG首席执行官Pawel Jakubowski在新闻发布会上说。 位于波罗的海Swinoujscie的天然气终端的年生产能力将从50亿立方米扩大到75亿立方米,能够满足波兰国内大约一半的天然气消耗。 这个终端由国营能源公司PGNiG使用,该公司目前几乎用尽了所有的容量。 Jakubowski拒绝提供有关扩建成本的详细信息。 波兰在2016年开放了这个天然气终端,作为减少对俄罗斯进口天然气依赖计划的一部分。当时,俄罗斯进口天然气占波兰天然气消费量的一半以上。 意大利的Saipem牵头一个财团建造了这个终端。 李方征 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Poland seeks contractor for LNG terminal expansion The operator of Poland’s only liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal on Wednesday tendered for a contractor to oversee a 50 percent expansion in its capacity by 2021. “The demand for natural gas in central and eastern Europe has increased. This is why we see the need to expand the terminal,” Pawel Jakubowski, chief executive of operator Polskie LNG, told a news conference. Annual capacity at the terminal at Swinoujscie on the Baltic Sea is to be expanded to 7.5 billion cubic metres (bcm) from 5 bcm and will be able to cover around half of Poland’s domestic gas consumption. The terminal is used by state-run energy firm PGNiG, which currently uses almost all of its capacity. Jakubowski declined to provide details on the costs of the expansion. Poland opened the terminal in 2016 as part of plans to reduce its reliance on imported Russian gas which at the time accounted for more than half of Poland’s consumption. Italy’s Saipem led a consortium which built the terminal.
