

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社首尔12月19日消息,由于强劲的发电需求,韩国的液化天然气(LNG)进口量将在2018年创下逾4200万吨的历史新高,但明年的出货量可能因煤炭和核能的增加而减少。。 韩国是仅次于日本和中国的世界第三大液化天然气进口国,每年通常需要3300万至3700万吨液化天然气,主要用于供暖、发电和烹饪。 根据Refinitiv Eikon的船舶追踪数据,今年预计进口4280万吨液化天然气,较去年的3760万吨增加了13.8%。 该国海关数据显示,这将超过2013年近4000万吨的液化天然气进口量。就在那一年,韩国因部件故障引发安全问题,导致一系列核反应堆关闭,天然气发电量增加。 KTB Investment&Securities驻首尔的分析师Shin Ji-yoon表示:“今年发电用天然气大幅增加,因为韩国的核能利用率最低,因此天然气等其他能源必须填补这一空白。” 据路透社根据国营韩国水利核能公司数据计算,今年上半年,韩国24座核反应堆中平均有近一半因计划维修而关闭。截至目前,已有6座反应堆关闭。 韩国水利核能公司数据显示,2018年前三季度,韩国核电利用率降至63.6%,为历史最低水平。 陈菲 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: S.Korea’s 2018 LNG imports to hit record high over 42 mln T South Korea’s imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are set to reach an all-time high over 42 million tonnes in 2018 thanks to robust power generation demand, but next year’s shipments are likely to ebb on increased coal and nuclear power. South Korea, the world’s No.3 LNG importer after Japan and China, typically takes between 33 million and 37 million tonnes of LNG a year, mainly for heating, power generation and cooking. This year, a volume of 42.8 million tonnes of LNG is the expected intake, up 13.8 percent from 37.6 million tonnes last year, according to ship-tracking data from Refinitiv Eikon. That would top 2013 LNG import levels of nearly 40 million tonnes, the country’s customs data showed. That was the year South Korea faced a series of nuclear reactor shutdowns due to a safety scandal over faulty parts, which led to an increase in gas power generation. “Gas usage for power generation sharply rose this year because the country’s nuclear utilization rate was the lowest so other power sources like gas had to fill the void,” said Shin Ji-yoon, an analyst at KTB Investment & Securities in Seoul. In the six months of the year, an average of almost half of the country’s 24 nuclear reactors were offline for planned maintenance, according to Reuters calculations based on data from state-run Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. As of now, six reactors are shut down. South Korea’s nuclear utilization rates dropped to just 63.6 percent for the first three quarters of 2018, the lowest rate ever, according to the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power data.  
