
阿曼11月石油产量创下新高 但出口继续下滑

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯迪拜12月17日消息,根据阿曼石油部周日公布的数据,11月份阿曼原油产量连续第二个月达到两年来的最高点,平均每日100万桶,高于10月的每日99.53万桶。 然而,苏丹国11月原油出口环比继续下降,平均为758219桶/日,低于上个月的772323桶/日。其中超过90%的原油销往中国。日本收购其中3.79%的原油,马来西亚购买其中1.94%的原油以及印度购买其中2.64%的原油。 上述数据出炉后,欧佩克-非欧佩克联盟成员国阿曼同意削减全球供应,以收回今年因供应增加和需求增长低于预期而大幅下跌的油价。 预计非欧佩克成员国将总计减产约40万桶/天,而欧佩克成员国将总计减产80万桶/天。 在过去一周,欧佩克和非欧佩克协议帮助支撑了油价,但2019年的基本前景仍然疲弱。 曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Oman’s oil output reaches new high in November, but exports continue to tumble Crude production in Oman reached a two-year high for the second consecutive month in November, averaging at 1 million b/d, up from 995,300 b/ in October, according to data released by the oil ministry on Sunday. Crude exports from the Sultanate however, continued to drop month-on-month for November, with an average rate of 758,219 b/d, down from 772,323 b/d the previous month. Over 90% of crude was traded to China. Japan, Malaysia, and India bought 3.79%, 1.94%, and 2.64% respectively. The data arrives as Oman, part of the OPEC-Non-OPEC coalition, agrees to cut global supply in a bid to claw back prices which have dropped substantially this year as a result of rising supply and slower-than-expected demand growth. Non-OPEC members are expected to cut around 400,000 b/d collectively, while OPEC members will cut a total of 800,000 b/d. The OPEC and Non-OPEC agreement has helped support prices over the past week, but the fundamental outlook for 2019 remains weak.  
