

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月16日迪拜报道,阿曼石油部在推特上表示,该国周日签署了两项协议,授予西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum)旗下一家子公司在51和65号特许权区勘探石油和天然气的权利。 推特消息称,石油部长Mohammed bin Hamad al-Rumhi与阿曼西部石油公司签署了51号特许权协议,与阿曼西部石油公司和阿曼国家石油公司下属的勘探与生产石油公司签署了65号特许权协议。 阿曼国家电视台(Omani state TV)在一份报告中称,51号特许权区占地10,133平方公里(3,912.37平方英里),65号特许权区占地1,230平方公里(474.91平方英里)。 石油部投资总监Salman al-Shehhi对国家电视台表示,根据协议,西方石油公司将在最初三年的合同期内,斥资1400万美元,在51号特许权区进行勘探作业。 阿曼的石油日产量约为99.5万桶。苏丹不是石油输出国组织的成员国,但它参加了本月早些时候欧佩克和其他出口国达成的一项协议,该协议旨在减少全球供应,以提振油价。 李方征 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Oman signs exploration agreements with Occidental Petroleum Oman signed on Sunday two agreements giving a unit of Occidental Petroleum the rights to explore for oil and natural gas in concessions 51 and 65, the oil ministry of the sultanate said in a tweet. Oil Minister Mohammed bin Hamad al-Rumhi signed the agreement covering concession 51 with Occidental Oman and the agreement on concession 65 with Occidental Oman and Oman Oil Company Exploration and Production, a unit of state-owned Oman Oil Co, the tweet said. Concession 51 covers 10,133 square kilometres (3,912.37 square miles) and concession 65 covers 1,230 square kilometres (474.91 square miles), Omani state TV said in a report. The agreement provides for Occidental to spend $14 million on exploration operations in concession 51 in the initial three-year phase of the contract, Salman al-Shehhi, the oil ministry’s director of investment, told state TV. Oman’s oil output is about 995,000 barrels per day. The sultanate is not a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries but it took part in an agreement reached by OPEC and other exporters earlier this month to reduce global supply in order to bolster oil prices.  
