
油价稳定但供应过剩 经济增长承压

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社伦敦12月17日消息,油价在上周下跌约2%后,周一企稳,但仍面临供应过剩的压力,以及对全球经济成长和燃料需求前景的担忧。 格林威治时间0945,布伦特原油LCOc1每桶下跌10美分,至每桶60.18美元。美国轻质原油CLc1下跌5美分至51.15美元。 由于供应过剩导致全球库存膨胀,两个基准股指在10月和11月下跌超过25%,但在过去三周内已稳定下来,由于石油生产商承诺削减产量,两个基准股指的交易区间都相当狭窄。 许多投资者怀疑,欧佩克和俄罗斯等其它产油国计划的减产,是否足以推动市场再平衡。 欧佩克及其盟国已同意从1月份开始减产120万桶/日,此举将在4月的一次会议上进行审查。 但美国页岩油产量稳步增长,占据了欧佩克中东石油大国的市场份额,使得它们更难以平衡预算。 伦敦经纪公司PVM Oil的分析师Stephen Brennock表示:“OPEC/非OPEC减产的决定已经尘埃落定。然而,生产者联盟到目前为止几乎没有什么表现。” 他补充说:“油价远没有给能源行业注入新的活力,反而低于欧佩克会议前的水平。事实是,欧佩克新的减产力度不足以扭转目前的供应过剩。” 法国商业活动本月出乎意料地萎缩,以四年来最快的速度回落,而德国私营部门的扩张在12月放缓至四年来的低点。 但能源服务公司Baker Hughes表示,美国钻井公司在截至12月14日的当周,减少了石油钻井平台数量,将钻井总数降至去年10月中旬以来的最低水平873台,油价因此受到支撑。 不过,作为未来产量的早期指标,美国目前的钻机数量高于一年前。 陈菲 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Oil steady but oversupply, economic growth weigh Oil prices steadied on Monday after slipping by around 2 percent last week, but remained under pressure from oversupply and concern over the prospects for global economic growth and fuel demand. Brent crude oil LCOc1 was down 10 cents a barrel at $60.18 per barrel by 0945 GMT. U.S. light crude CLc1 was down 5 cents at $51.15. Both benchmarks fell more than 25 percent through October and November as a supply glut inflated global inventories but have stabilized over the last three weeks, trading within fairly narrow ranges as oil producers have promised to cut production. Many investors doubt planned supply cuts by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other producers such as Russia will be enough to rebalance markets. OPEC and its allies have agreed to reduce output by 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) from January, in a move to be reviewed at a meeting in April. But U.S. shale output is growing steadily, taking market share from the big Middle East oil producers in OPEC and making it harder for them to balance their budgets. “The dust has settled on the decision by OPEC/non-OPEC to slash production,” said Stephen Brennock, an analyst at London brokerage PVM Oil. “Yet the producer alliance has so far little to show for it.” “Far from breathing new life into the energy complex, oil prices are below the pre-OPEC meeting level. The truth of the matter is that fresh OPEC+ cuts will not go far enough to overturn the incumbent supply surplus,” he added. French business activity plunged unexpectedly into contraction this month, retreating at the fastest pace in over four years, while Germany’s private sector expansion slowed to a four-year low in December. But oil prices were supported after energy services firm Baker Hughes said U.S. drillers reduced oil rigs in the week to Dec. 14, pulling the total count to the lowest since mid-October at 873. However, the current U.S. rig count, which serves as an early indicator of future output, is higher than a year ago.  
