

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月14日新加坡报道,沙特阿拉伯的拉比格炼油和石化公司(拉比格石油公司)的一位消息人士周四晚间说,由于重整装置逐步提高其运行速度,拉比格石油公司预计明年将生产更多的轻质烷烃石脑油。 该消息人士补充称,拉比格石油公司旗下的7万桶/天的重整装置今年开始运作,目前运行速度在50%以上至80%以下。 随着重整装置的运行速度进一步提高,一体化炼油厂生产的更多高密度石脑油将被注入重整装置。 消息人士称,因此,从全系列石脑油池中分离出来的轻质石脑油将被提供给市场。 与北亚地区大多采用石脑油生产烯烃的裂解装置不同,拉比格石油公司的裂解装置采用乙烷为原料,乙烯产能为160万吨/年。 目前,该综合炼油厂每月能生产一到两支轻质石脑油。轻质石脑油的石蜡含量可能高达80% ~ 90%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Saudi Arabia’s Petro Rabigh sees more light naphtha production in 2019: source Saudi Arabia’s Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co., or Petro Rabigh, expects to produce more light paraffinic naphtha next year, as the reformer unit gradually ramps up its operation rate, a company source said late Thursday. The company’s 70,000 b/d reformer unit, that started operations this year, is currently running at a run rate of above 50% to below 80%, the source added. More high-density naphtha produced by the integrated refinery will be fed into the reformer unit as the reformer gains further traction at its run rate. As such, the remaining light naphtha component, separated from the full range naphtha pool, would be offered to the market, the source said. Unlike in North Asia where majority of the cracker units are engineered to consume naphtha for producing olefins, Petro Rabigh has an ethane-fed steam cracker with an ethylene production capacity of 1.6 million mt/year. Currently, the integrated refinery is able to produce around one to two clips of light naphtha every month. The minimum paraffin content of the light naphtha could be as high as between 80%-90%.  
