

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月14日新加坡报道,泰国能源部日前把两个主要气田更新后的产量分成合同授予了泰国国家石油公司(PTT)麾下的勘探与生产子公司(PTTEP),从而在该国产量萎靡之际提升了这家国有石油公司的天然气产量和储量。 周四,泰国能源部宣布,PTTEP赢得了即将到期的G1/61 (Erawan气田)和G2/61 (Bongkot气田)的开采权,从而击败了雪佛龙公司旗下泰国子公司对Erawan气田的竞购以及雪佛龙公司和日本三井公司对Bongkot气田的联合竞购。 PTTEP与阿联酋穆巴达拉石油公司麾下的泰国子公司以60%-40%的股权共同竞标了Erawan气田,而PTTEP单独竞标了Bongkot气田。Erawan气田目前由雪佛龙公司运营,PTTEP是Bongkot气田的运营商。 PTTEP说,Bongkot气田和Erawan气田被认为对泰国的能源供应至关重要,它们的联合天然气产量占到泰国国内天然气总产出的60%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Thailand’s PTTEP boosts gas production, reserves with contract wins Thailand’s energy ministry has awarded the renewed production sharing contracts for two major gas fields to PTT Exploration and Production Public Co Ltd, boosting the state-run oil company’s gas production and reserves at a time when the country’s output has been flagging. On Thursday, the energy ministry announced that PTTEP won the bids for the expiring G1/61 (Erawan) and G2/61 (Bongkot) gas field concessions, overcoming a rival bid by Chevron’s Thailand subsidiary for Erawan and a joint bid by Chevron and Mitsui for Bongkot. PTTEP made a joint bid for the Erawan field with Mubadala Petroleum’s Thailand subsidiary in a 60%-40% partnership, and an individual bid for the Bongkot field. The Erawan field is currently operated by Chevron and PTTEP is the operator of the Bongkot field. The Bongkot and Erawan gas fields are considered vital to Thailand’s energy supply and their combined gas production accounts for 60% of total domestic output, PTTEP said.  
