

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月15日迪拜报道,伊朗石油部长Bijan Zanganeh在周六赞扬了欧佩克,他称,尽管内部存在激烈的政治分歧,但该组织仍有能力达成协议。 尽管美国总统唐纳德特朗普施加压力,要求降低原油价格,但欧佩克和俄罗斯领导的盟国于12月7日同意减产,且减产幅度超过预期。 Zanganeh在推特上表示:“欧佩克已经表明,尽管存在着最激烈的政治争端,但成员们能够就他们的共同利益进行谈判并达成重要成果。” 欧佩克的协议已经搁置了两天,首先是因为担心俄罗斯削减得太少,其次是因为担心伊朗的原油出口因美国的制裁而枯竭,不会获得豁免,从而阻碍了协议的达成。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: OPEC has shown it can reach deal despite splits: Iran oil minister Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh praised OPEC on Saturday for what he said was the producer group’s ability to reach agreement despite intense internal political differences. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its Russia-led allies agreed on Dec. 7 to cut output by more than expected, despite pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump to reduce the price of crude. “OPEC … has shown the capacity in which members can hold talks and reach important results regarding their common interests despite having the most intense political disputes or even military conflicts (such as during the Iran-Iraq war),” Zanganeh said on Twitter. The OPEC deal had hung in the balance for two days – first on fears that Russia would cut too little, and later on concerns that Iran, whose crude exports have been depleted by U.S. sanctions, would receive no exemption and block the agreement.​  
