

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月14日报道, 加拿大第二大能源生产商森科尔能源公司周五表示,预计2019年平均上游产量将增长10%,即使在实施艾伯塔省强制减产后也是如此。 艾伯塔省已下令临时减产32.5万桶/天,直到库存过剩的原油消耗殆尽。加拿大西部省份的减产将于明年1月1日生效。目前,由于管道瓶颈,加拿大重质原油价格低迷。 这一强制性减产措施存在争议,因为Suncor和Husky Energy等大型综合生产商受益于低油价,为其炼油厂提供原料。 森科尔预测,上游平均日产量为78万至82万桶油当量,较2018年的约73万桶有所增加。 该公司还预计资本支出将在49亿加元至56亿加元(36.6亿美元至41.8亿美元)的范围内,与2018年相比基本持平。 李方征 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Suncor Energy expects 2019 upstream production to rise by 10 pct Suncor Energy Inc, Canada’s second-largest energy producer, said on Friday it expects average upstream production to rise 10 percent in 2019, even after implementing Alberta’s mandated output cuts. Alberta has mandated temporary output cuts of 325,000 barrels per day (bpd) until excess crude in storage is drawn down. The Western Canadian province’s production cut, which will come into effect on Jan. 1, comes amid depressed prices for Canada’s heavy crude owing to pipeline bottlenecks. The mandated cuts are controversial because heavily integrated producers such as Suncor and Husky Energy Inc benefit from the low crude prices to feed their refineries. Suncor forecast average upstream production of 780,000 to 820,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), an increase from about 730,000 boe/d in 2018. The company also expects capital expenditure to be in the range of C$4.9 billion to C$5.6 billion ($3.66 billion-$4.18 billion), largely flat compared to 2018.
