
Ouro Preto公司降低对巴国油两个油田集群投标价

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月15日圣保罗、华盛顿报道,有三位知情人士透露,由于近几个月油价下跌,Ouro Preto公司已经降低了对巴西国家石油公司两个浅水成熟油田集群的投标价格。 在私人股本巨头EIG全球能源合作伙伴的支持下,巴西能源公司Ouro Preto在7月与巴西国家石油公司进行了独家谈判,提出了对位于里约热内卢州海岸坎波斯盆地的Pampo和Enchova集群的最高报价,当时,人们看到这些油田吸引了大约10亿美元。 但该财团削减了对该地区的报价,理由是自7月底以来,美国供应的不断增长及经济困境下全球需求可能放缓导致油价下跌了约20%。 油价下跌可能阻碍全球负债最多的上市石油公司巴西国家石油公司出售其他一些打算出售的资产。该公司正寻求在2023年之前,通过资产销售和合作伙伴关系筹集高达269亿美元的资金,此前该公司未能实现在2017-2018年期间出售210亿美元的目标。 路透社无法核实Ouro Preto的最新出价,上周,巴西国家石油公司根据巴西审计法庭(TCU)制定的规则,重新开始了对油田的招标,此举为其他投资者按照与中标财团商定的相同合同条款进行投标扫清了道路。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Brazil’s Ouro Preto cuts bid for Petrobras oilfield clusters: sources Ouro Preto has cut its bid for two shallow water mature oilfield clusters from Brazil’s state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro, flagging a drop in oil prices in recent months, three sources with knowledge of the matter said. Ouro Preto, a Brazilian energy company backed by private equity giant EIG Global Energy Partners, entered exclusive talks with Petrobras in July after presenting the highest offer for the Pampo and Enchova clusters, located in the Campos basin off the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. At the time, the fields were seen fetching around $1 billion. But the consortium cut its bid for the area, citing a fall in oil prices of around 20 percent since the end of July, on growing U.S. supply and risks of slowing global demand amid economic woes tied to the U.S.-China trade spat. Lower oil prices could hamper efforts by Petrobras, the world’s most-indebted listed oil company, to offload some other assets it intends to sell. It is seeking to raise up to $26.9 billion via asset sales and partnerships by 2023 after falling short of a goal of selling off $21 billion in the 2017-18 period. Reuters could not verify Ouro Preto’s latest bid amount, made after Petrobras last week reopened bidding for the oilfields with rules set by Brazilian audit court TCU. The move cleared the way for other investors to bid under the same contractual terms agreed with the winning consortium.​  
