

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月15日新加坡报道,亚洲LNG现货价格在本周结束了三周的大幅下跌,并最终走高,预计冬季的到来将提振对天然气的供暖需求。不过,由于预计下周大部分时间东京、北京和首尔(亚洲对天然气的最大需求中心)的气温将比往常高,以及越来越多的现货供应将从美国和俄罗斯进入亚洲市场,因此价格涨幅有限。 一些行业人士表示,明年1月份交货的现货价格小幅上涨了约10美分,至8.9美元/ mmBtu左右,货物价格从8.5美元/ mmBtu至9.1美元/ mmBtu不等。明年2月份交货的价格也略有上涨,估计在9.1美元/ mmBtu至9.3美元/ mmBtu左右,使价格曲线保持在期货溢价。 一位新加坡LNG交易员表示:“现货市场可能已经触底,价格基本持平,我听说有更多的人在寻找货物。” 在供应方面,切尼尔能源公司从其位于德克萨斯州的科珀斯克里斯蒂LNG设施中装载了LNG货物,这是第三个大型LNG出口终端,将在美国48个州投入使用。 希腊本周表示,将于12月29日进口第一批来自切尼尔15万立方米的美国LNG。 俄罗斯的亚马尔LNG已经提前12个月在其工厂启动了3号生产线,该工厂的年产能达到1650万吨。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Asian prices snap three-week losing streak as winter kicks in Asian spot prices for liquefied natural gas (LNG) snapped a three-week losing streak to end higher this week, with the onset of winter expected to boost demand for natural gas for heating. But gains were limited amid forecasts of warmer-than-usual temperatures for most of next week in Tokyo, Beijing and Seoul, the top demand centers for natural gas in Asia, and as more spot supply entered the market from the United States and Russia. Spot prices for January delivery edged up about 10 cents to around $8.90 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), with cargoes trading from as low as $8.50 per mmBtu to as high as $9.10 per mmBtu, several industry sources said. Prices for February delivery also inched higher and were estimated at around $9.10 to $9.30 per mmBtu, keeping the price curve in contango. “The (spot) market has probably bottomed out with (prices) being pretty flat and I am hearing of more people looking for cargoes,” said a Singapore-based LNG trader. On the supply side, Cheniere Energy (LNG.A) loaded the commissioning cargo of LNG from its Corpus Christi liquefaction facility in Texas, the third big LNG export terminal to enter service in the lower 48 U.S. states. Greece this week said it would import its first U.S. LNG cargο of 150,000 cubic meters on Dec. 29 from Cheniere. Russia’s Yamal LNG has started up train 3 at its plant, 12 months ahead of schedule, with the plant reaching full capacity of 16.5 million tonnes a year. ​  
