

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社奥斯陆报道,周五,挪威政府宣布,挪威政府已推迟决定是否批准在北欧的北极点附近建造一个石油加工码头,且推迟到明年第三季度。 如果建成,陆上Veidnes码头将通过来自挪威国家石油公司近海Johan Castberg油田的输油管接收原油,预计该油田将于2022年底开始生产。 挪威国家石油公司最初放弃了建造陆上码头的计划,以节省成本,而是在将原油出口到全球市场之前,将石油装上油田上的油轮。然而,今年早些时候,国会敦促政府确保在陆上建造码头,因为这将为偏远地区带来大量投资和就业机会。 能源部周五表示,该项目还需要进一步研究,目前该项目得到了工会的支持。然而,环保人士反对油田和拟议的码头。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Norway postpones decision on Arctic oil terminal The Norwegian government has postponed a decision on whether to mandate the construction of an oil processing terminal near the Arctic tip of northern Europe until the third quarter of next year, it said on Friday. If built, the onshore Veidnes terminal would receive crude via a pipeline from Equinor’s (EQNR.OL) offshore Johan Castberg oilfield, which is expected to start producing in late 2022. Equinor originally ditched plans for an onshore terminal in order to save costs, preferring instead to load oil on to crude tankers at the field before exporting it to global markets. Parliament earlier this year urged the government to secure the construction of an onshore terminal, however, as it would generate significant investment and jobs in the remote region. The energy ministry said on Friday further studies were needed into the project, which is supported by labour unions. Environmentalists, however, oppose both the oilfield and the proposed terminal.​
